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Chart of Accounts conversion begins

December 1, 2017

The Chart of Accounts conversion began on Thursday, Nov. 30 at 5 p.m.

Before the conversion began, November was closed in Projects & General Ledger. During cutover, depending on your role/responsibilities, you may have access to view November’s pre-converted results, as well as access to converted data in production. Below are instructions about how to access reporting and other tools.

Viewing November Results (pre-conversion data)

  • OBI will allow you run reports against the pre-converted data. The PO Summary View dashboard page is available in the Finance Lookups Dashboard, in place of the retired PO Summary application.
  • FMS Reports: Group I FMS reports were run Wednesday (11/28) night and should be available. The Group II reports will run over the weekend and should be available by Monday, December 4, 2017. As a reminder, this is the final run of FMS reports. Historical reports will remain available until March 1, 2018.
  • Funds Available View: will be operational during cutover. You may use this to query legacy chart information. This application will be retired on December 15, 2017 and will be replaced with dashboard pages in the Finance Lookups Dashboard.

OBI Access (All Faculty and Staff)

  • The Finance Lookups dashboards will remain available during cutover in the OBI Production environment. Once our Grants and GL conversions are complete, the Conversion Lookup dashboard data will be refreshed with our final conversion mapping.

Finance Website

Throughout the conversion period (12/1 – 12/12) the Finance website will be updated (including all forms) to reflect the new chart of accounts structure. The website will be available during the cutover period but please note that you can expect to see some information that reflects both Chart of Account structures.

Departmental Systems:

A few department-owned systems required the new Chart of Accounts:

  • Motor Pool
  • CashNet
  • MailBarcode – unavailable 12/1 – 12/5; Once is becomes available it will use the new Chart of Accounts

If you have questions, please talk to your Planning Unit CFAO or FSE Change Network representative(s), or contact Finance Customer Care. Visit the COA website for additional information or the Finance Systems site for up-to-date system status information.