Meet Your Executive Officers

Meet your Executive Team

Please email us any questions/comments/concerns on your graduate-professional student experience at, or set up an appointment at your convenience. We are located at 305B, Baker University Center, ​3rd floor in the 'Student Government' Office.

Amrit Bahadur Thapa

Amrit Bahadur Thapa is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the Mathematics Education Program. He describes his experience serving on the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) last year as truly enlightening. He's been grateful to witness so many graduate students' remarkable contributions in teaching, research, and leadership, while also recognizing the challenges we face, such as finances and well-being. He's incredibly grateful for the opportunity to represent you, and he's fully committed to addressing these challenges. In his free time, he enjoys movies, driving, hiking, and walks to keep him refreshed and curious.

Vice President
Kelsey Kayton

Kelsey Kayton is a second-year Ph.D. Student in the Experimental Psychology Program, and she is committed to developing initiatives that improve the graduate student experience, such as organizing professional development events, advocating for better funding and resources, and facilitating communication between graduate students and university administration. When she is not engaged in GSS or academic responsibilities, Kelsey can be found crocheting, hiking, or playing tennis.

Nisha Singh

Nisha Singh is a graduate student in the Physics and Astronomy Program, and is serving her 4th year in GSS. She is thrilled to be a member of the executive committee this year, and is thankful for the opportunity to serve. When she's not supporting GSS initiatives, she loves listening to music, meeting new people and painting. She loves helping students learn more about GSS and invites prospective members to connect with her on campus.