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Study Space


Using Group Study and Group Seminar Rooms as Study Space 

  1. Turn off all power equipment when leaving. The lights are on timers and do not need to be turned off.

  2. Dispose of all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.

  3. If furniture is moved during studying, please move it back to its original placement prior to leaving. 

  4. Allow the custodial staff access during evening hours to do routine cleaning during informal study.

  5. Erase white/gray boards where possible; content is not guaranteed to remain once the room is vacated. Gray boards should be cleaned with Glass Cleaner to prevent damage. 

  6. The Heritage College is not responsible for unattended personal items left in a group study or group seminar room.

  7. Negotiate sharing the space if possible. If you are studying alone, others may use the room to share the study space. 

  8. Rooms are available for study space provided they are not in use for curricular activities or prescheduled events. 

Campus Group Study and Seminar Rooms

240 – Group Study
241 – Group Study
242 – Group Study
244 – Group Study
245 – Group Study
252 – Group Study
253 – Group Study

Lounge, 374 - Undesignated

420 – Seminar Room
421 – Seminar Room
422 – Seminar Room
423 – Seminar Room
424 – Seminar Room
425 – Seminar Room
428 – Seminar Room

Please note: Classroom SPF 377 is normally locked outside of scheduled classroom instruction and should not be used as a study space.

For more information, please contact Rachel Moore.