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OMM Quick Cards

OMM Quick Card

OMM Quick Card

Pocket reference guide promotes osteopathic manipulative medicine fundamentals
Your osteopathic medical students and residents can have something new in their pockets during clinical rotations: OMM Quick Cards.

This pocket-sized, fold-out reference guide is designed “to facilitate the integration of the AOA core competencies into the practice of medicine, improving the health and healing of patients,” according to COPPC members.

The cards are an easy-to-use, handy guide.

The OMM Quick Card is a reference tool. It is a reminder to students and residents of the osteopathic principles that are important to think about on a day-to-day basis.

“My hope is that these cards become a helpful reminder for all students, residents, trainers and practicing physicians to use OMM frequently when they are treating their patients. It can serve as a refresher for OMM skills that need a little dusting off and a resource to think about using OMM on patients that they may not have considered in the past.”

- Stevan Walkowski, D.O., Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Chair, Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine 

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