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OHIO Experts Directory

The Ohio University Experts Directory is a searchable listing of faculty members who are knowledgeable in specific topical areas. These experts have provided their contact information and this directory serves to provide a way to learn about the broad range of expertise at Ohio University and also to connect with an expert about any particular topic of interest.

All OHIO Experts

Cory E. Cronin

  • Associate Professor
  • Director, Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness

Berkeley Franz

  • Associate Professor, Community-based Health
  • Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Ralph S. Licklider, D.O. Endowed Faculty Fellow in Population Health Science
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness, Opioids and Addiction

Wenhan Guo

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Public Health
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness

Richard Hodges

  • Assistant Clinical Professor in the College of Health Sciences and Professions
  • Executive Director of the Ohio University Health Collaborative (OUHC)
  • Director of the Ohio Alliance for Population Health (OAPH)
  • Professor Fellow in the George Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness, History and Politics

Randall Longenecker

  • Assistant Dean, Rural and Underserved Programs
  • Professor of Family Medicine
  • Executive Director, The RTT Collaborative
  • Associate project director, Collaborative for Rural Primary care Research, Education and Practice (Rural PREP)
  • Central lead, Rural Residency Planning and Development Technical Assistance Center (RRPD-TAC)
Area: Appalachian issues, Health, Medicine and Wellness, Social issues
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries