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OHIO Experts Directory

The Ohio University Experts Directory is a searchable listing of faculty members who are knowledgeable in specific topical areas. These experts have provided their contact information and this directory serves to provide a way to learn about the broad range of expertise at Ohio University and also to connect with an expert about any particular topic of interest.

All OHIO Experts

Josh Antonuccio

  • Director, School of Media Arts & Studies
  • Associate Professor, School of Media Arts & Studies
  • Director, Ohio University Music Industry Summit
Area: Journalism and Media

Elizabeth A. Beverly

  • Associate Professor
  • Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Ralph S. Licklider, D.O. Endowed Professor in Behavioral Diabetes
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness, Virtual reality

John Bowditch

  • Director of the Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab
  • Instructor, Game Design and Development
Area: Journalism and Media, Virtual reality

Jeff Kuhn

  • Instructional Designer – Office of Instructional Design
  • Games Research Immersive Design (GRID) Lab
Area: Virtual reality
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries