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OHIO Experts Directory

The Ohio University Experts Directory is a searchable listing of faculty members who are knowledgeable in specific topical areas. These experts have provided their contact information and this directory serves to provide a way to learn about the broad range of expertise at Ohio University and also to connect with an expert about any particular topic of interest.

All OHIO Experts

Claudia González Vallejo

  • Professor of Psychology
  • Affiliated Faculty Latin American Studies, Global and International Studies
Area: Science and Technology, Social issues

Ian Klein

  • Lecturer, Human Anatomy & Physiology
  • Volunteer Coach (Men’s & Women’s Cross Country; Track & Field)
  • Exercise Physiologist (Women’s Field Hockey)
  • Exercise Physiology Researcher (Clinical Translational Research Unit)
Area: Health, Medicine and Wellness, Sports and Fitness

Anirudh Ruhil

  • Professor of Leadership and Public Service
  • Director, Voinovich Research Scholars Program
Area: Business and Economics, History and Politics

Chad Starkey

  • Professor, Athletic Training Division Coordinator
  • Post-Professional Program Director
Area: Appalachian issues, Health, Medicine and Wellness
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries