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Earth & Environmental Geosciences Department

Earth and Environmental Geosciences Department

Geology students learn how to solve problems related to energy, resources and the environment. They fill important roles during this important phase of human history, using the earth sciences to show how modern observations can be extended into deep time.

Most Earth and Environmental Geosciences graduates land jobs or go on to seek advanced degrees.

Almost All
Graduate students land jobs before graduation or go on to doctoral programs.
Clean Water
is a focus for environmental geologists, who also correct groundwater pollution.
Energy & Minerals
Modern technology would quickly cease to exist if geologists stopped finding new deposits.

Solving Problems in Energy, Resources & the Environment

Earth and Environmental Geosciences provides students with an introduction to problem solving, critical thinking, and basic concepts using the earth sciences to show how modern observations can be extended into deep time.

Throughout the years, the department has worked in fulfilling the societal need for specialists in the different fields of geology in the areas of natural resources, energy and the environment.

Research Areas We Focus On


    Solid Earth and Planetary Dynamics

    Includes planetary geology, geophysics, structure, mineralogy, petrology, and additional hard-rock disciplines.


    Environmental and Surficial Processes

    Includes applied and basic geochemistry, applied hydrogeology, surface and groundwater remediation, rivers and flooding, bedrock stream processes, paleoclimatology, and cave development.


Earth and Environmental Geosciences Careers

We prepare students to be competitive in the job market and graduate school by encouraging them to take applied courses. The geology job market is one of only a few to grow stronger over the last decade. Thanks to ongoing expansions in the environmental and petroleum industries, geology alumni are working throughout the United States and abroad.

Geosciences Careers & Internships

Tim Eyerdom

Alumni Engagement & Giving Opportunities

Alumni involvement drives innovation and impact in the Earth and Environmental Geosciences Department for both students and faculty. Explore the areas of highest need for our department, including student scholarships, student and faculty research support, and travel funds for students and faculty.

Geosciences Giving Opportunities

Emily Simpson

Earth & Environmental Geosciences News

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