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Chris Guder (he/him)

Chris Guder
Head of Learning Services and Subject Librarian for Education


Learning Services

Subject Areas

  • Children's Literature
  • Counseling & Higher Education
  • Educational Studies
  • Recreation and Sport Pedagogy
  • Teacher Education


Ph.D., Instructional Technology, December 2012
Ohio University, Athens, OH
Dissertation Title: Exploring the relationship between patron type, Carnegie Classification, and satisfaction with library services: An analysis of LibQUAL+® results. 

M.L.I.S., Library and Information Science, May 2004
Kent State University, Kent, OH

B.S., Literature, April 1993
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

Courses/Webinars Developed & Taught 

EDCT 6901: Workshop in Computer Education/Special Topics (1 credit hour). Patton College of Education, Ohio University. Fall 2020.

EDCT 7900: Knowledge Acquisition in the Digital Age (4 credit hours). Patton College of Education, Ohio University.  Spring 2016. 

Introduction to Tableau: A data-visualization tool for Ohio librarians (4- two-hour online webinars provided through OhioNET). Summer 2016.  


Public Services Quarterly, Technology Column Editor, 2010-2016.   


McGeary, B., Guder, C., & Ganeshan, A. (2021). Opening up educational practices through faculty, librarian, and student collaboration: Moving from labor-intensive to supervisory involvement. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 16(1). Retrieved from

McGeary, B.J., Ganeshan, A., & Guder, C.S. (2020). Harnessing the power of student-created content: Faculty and librarians collaborating in the open educational environment. In K.D. Hoffman & A. Clifton (Eds.), Open pedagogy approaches: Faculty, library, and student collaborations [eBook edition]. Milne Publishing.

Bussell, H., Hagman, J., & Guder, C.S. (2017). Research needs and learning format preferences of graduate students at a large public university: An exploratory study. College & Research Libraries, 78(7), 978-998. Retrieved from 

Guder, C.S. (2017). Potatoes to patrons: Using a variation of R. A. Fisher’s agricultural split-plot model to explore patron perceptions of the Information Control dimension of LibQUAL+. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 18(2), 96-102. 

Guder, C.S. (Spring 2015). Runs, hits, & errors: Kammie on First [Review of the book Kammie on First by Michelle Houts]. Ohio Today, 10. Retrieved from

Bussell, H., Hagman, J., & Guder, C.S. (2015). Mixin’ it up: Using a mixed-methods approach to understand graduate research needs. Proceedings from ACRL 2015: Creating Sustainable Community.

Guder, C. (2014). Universal design and the library website. Public Services Quarterly, 10(3), 229-237. doi: 10.1080/15228959.2014.931784 

Guder, C. (2013). The ePortfolio: A tool for professional development, engagement, and lifelong learning. Public Services Quarterly, 9(3), 239-245. doi: 10.1080/15228959.2013.815528 

Guder, C. S. (2012). Exploring the relationship between patron type, Carnegie Classification, and satisfaction with library services: An analysis of LibQUAL+® results. (ProQuest document ID 1316578447). Retrieved from

Guder, C. S. (2012). Making the right decisions about assistive technology in your library. Library Technology Reports, 48(7), 14-21. doi: 10.5860/ltr.48n7 

Guder, C. (2010). Equality through access: Embedding library services for patrons with disabilities. Public Services Quarterly, 6(2), 315-322. doi: 10.1080/15228959.2010.499324 

Guder, C. (2010). Patrons and pedagogy: A look at the theory of connectivism. Public Services Quarterly, 6(1), 36-42. doi: 10.1080/15228950903523728 

Guder, C. (2009). Second Life as innovation. Public Services Quarterly, 5(4), 282-288. doi:  10.1080/15228950903320869 

Booth, C., & Guder, C. S. (2009). If you build it, will they care? Tracking student receptivity to emerging library technologies. Proceedings from the Fourteenth National Association of College and Research Libraries Conference

Refereed Presentations 

Sampson, S., Foster, A., Lobrano, K., & Guder, C. (2022, June 30). “Learning from Leaders in Library Accessibility”. Presentation at the OhioLINK Membership Summit 2022. Retrieved from

McGeary, B., & Guder, C. (2021, January 19). "Open Educational Resources (OER) in the Humanities". Presentation at the Open Pedagogy Approaches Author Series. Retrieved from

McGeary, B., & Guder, C. (2020, November 16). “Building sustainable and scalable OER initiatives through faculty, librarian, and student partnerships that encourage open pedagogy”. Presentation at the Open Education Global 2020 Conference. Retrieved from

McGeary, B., & Guder, C. (2020, November 11). “Overcoming barriers to sustainable open education initiatives: Labor and ethical considerations.” Presentation at the Open Education 2020 Conference.

Guder, C., & McGeary, B. (2020, October 20). “Shaping the commons through collaborative open pedagogy. A case study of a student-generated open textbook”. Presentation at the CC Global Summit 2020 Virtual Conference.

Williams, C., Guder, C., & McGeary, B. (2020, February 27). “Swing and sway when copyright gets in your way: Using digital humanities to overcome barriers in promoting and providing access to Sammy Kaye’s archival collection”. Presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Music Library Association, Norfolk, VA.

McGeary, B. J., Guder, C. S., & Williams, C. (2019, April 17). “Get Out Those Old Records”: The challenges of providing and promoting access to Sammy Kaye’s archival music collection. Presentation at the Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association National Conference, Washington, D.C. 

McGeary, B. J., Guder, C. S., & Williams, C. (2018, March 28). “Swing and Sway” or calculated payday? The commercial preoccupations of Sammy Kaye. Presentation at the Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association National Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 

McGeary, B. J., Guder, C. S., & Williams, C. (2017, November 9). “Swing and Sway” or calculated payday? The commercial preoccupations of Sammy Kaye. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 

Clay, E., Murphy, S., Guder, C., & Voss, J. (2017, February 14). Developing data visualization skills to demonstrate value and make informed decisions in education using Tableau. Workshop presentation at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference, Columbus, OH. 

Diamond-Ortiz, A., & Guder, C.S. (2016, September). Beyond the pie chart: Using Tableau Public to showcase data in engaging ways. Presentation at the Ohio Library Council Convention & Expo, Sandusky, OH. 

Guder, C.S. (2015, July 20). Potatoes to patrons: Using a variation of R. A. Fisher’s agricultural split-plot model to explore patron perceptions of the Information Control dimension of LibQUAL+. Paper presented at the 11th Northumbria Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, Edinburgh, UK. 

Bussell, H., Hagman, J., & Guder, C.S. (2015). Mixin’ it up: Using a mixed-methods approach to understand graduate research needs. Paper presented at the ACRL National Conference, Portland, OR. 

Hagman, J., Bussell, H., & Guder, C. (2014, August). In the mix: A student-centered approach to needs assessment survey development. Poster presented at the Library Assessment Conference, Seattle, WA.  

Theodore-Shusta, E. & Guder, C. (2010, October 29). Quantitative assessment of diversity goals, methods, and tools. Presentation given at the 2010 ALAO Annual Conference,  Columbus, OH. 

Theodore-Shusta, E., & Guder, C. (2010). Goals met? Quantitative assessment of diversity goals, methods, and tools.  Poster presented at the Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, MD. 

Booth, C., & Guder, C. (2009, March 14 or 15). If you build it, will they care? Tracking student receptivity to emerging library technologies. Paper presented at the ACRL National Conference, Seattle, WA.  

Boeninger, C., & Guder, C. (2007, March 5). What’s your game plan? What librarians have to learn from video games. Presentation at the Ohio Digital Commons for Education  (ODCE) Conference.  


1804 Fund for Undergraduate Learning 2018, “Fostering Open Educational Resources at Ohio University

LSTA Full Grant 2015, “Developing Data Visualization Skills for Ohio’s Workforce by Training Library Personnel to Both Teach and Use Tableau, An Analytics and Data-Visualization Software”, OU representative/participant on grant

ALAO Research and Publications committee Research Grant Program 2013 

Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education (ILILE) TEAFALS Grant 2006-2007