University Community

Cybersecurity Awareness Month to highlight tech tips, events

October isn’t only for pumpkin spice lattes. This October marks the 17th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Ohio University has teamed up with the National Cybersecurity Alliance to become a Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion.

The University encourages faculty, staff, and students to #BeCyberSmart, as everyone has an important role to play in keeping data safe. Over the course of October, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) will share useful information and tips on the following topics through OHIO News: 

  • If you connect it, protect it 
  • Securing devices at home and work 
  • Securing healthcare data 
  • The future of connected devices 

OIT also is hosting the following upcoming events:

Complete the #BeCyberSmart Scavenger Hunt by Oct. 9 for a chance to win $25 to Bobcat Depot.

Register for the Oct. 14 Cybersecurity Lunch Discussion, Creating a Secure Home Office.

Stay connected by visiting the OHIO Cybersecurity Awareness Month webpage or follow OIT on Twitter at @OhioIT


October 1, 2020
Staff reports