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Strategic Doing: Leading Complex Collaborations

What is Strategic Doing?

Much of the work people do requires collaboration- between organizations or between units in an organization. In today's world, collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face.

Strategic Doing enables leaders to design and guide new networks that generate innovative solutions. It is a strategy discipline that is lean, agile, and fast - just what organizations, communities, and the Appalachian region need to survive and thrive.

How Can Strategic Doing Help in Appalachia?

Address Wicked Problems

Organizations, businesses, and communities face complex challenges in environments that change rapidly. Many of these “wicked problems” are rooted in a complex set of issues that no single person, entity, or organization is in charge of addressing. Communities and organizations must be able to collaborate with other groups rather than stand on their own.

Form Action-Oriented Collaborations

Strategic Doing enables people to form action-oriented collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes, and make adjustments along the way. It yields replicable, scalable, and sustainable collaborations based on simple rules.

Learn Agile Strategy Skills

The learning experience teaches the deep skills, tools, and frameworks of agile strategy and collaboration. You’ll develop the skills to move from just talking into action – from identifying and articulating the challenge to be addressed all the way through implementation, teaching how to collaborate effectively or to build a new network. These skills help lead collaborations quickly through new ways of thinking, behaving, and doing.

Where Do I Start?

Leading Complex Collaborations: Strategic Doing Practitioner Training

Practitioner training helps you move from talking about a problem into action. In two days, you will:

  • Learn key concepts of Strategic Doing.
  • Learn to apply the 10 skills that comprise Strategic Doing.
  • Engage in a workshop simulation to experience the process yourself.

Practitioner training will help you develop skills to lead complex collaborations and to innovate in open, loosely connected networks in which “no one can tell everyone else what to do."

At the end of the training, you are recognized as a Strategic Doing Practitioner and are ready to use Strategic Doing to facilitate a project or activity with a team, group, or coalition.

The Voinovich Academy hosts Strategic Doing Practitioner training targeted to individuals in Appalachian Ohio.

"Strategic Doing training taught me the benefits of shared leadership, how to approach obstacles from an asset mindset, and the best way to navigate to successful project outcomes. It is an approach that can be applied to any situation and can help anyone facilitate the DOING of any project. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to participate."

— Nichole Mazzone, GVS Environmental Specialist

Technical Assistance and Guidance

Mark Cappone and Deanna Clifford of the Voinovich Academy are Strategic Doing Certified Workshop Leaders. They are able to help organizations facing wicked problem use Strategic Doing to identify innovative solutions.

Strategic Doing is a program of the Agile Strategy Lab at the University of North Alabama. The Voinovich Academy is pleased to work in partnership with the Agile Strategy Lab to make Strategic Doing available in Appalachian Ohio.

For more information, contact the Academy at