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Previous SGAL Speakers

Ohio Government Leaders

  • The Honorable Senator George V. Voinovich, retired

Speakers of the Ohio House

  • Honorable Vern Riffe
  • Honorable Jo Ann Davidson
  • Honorable Jon Husted

Ohio Senate Presidents

  • Honorable Stanley Aronoff
  • Honorable Richard Finan
  • Honorable Doug White

Members of the Ohio General Assembly

  • Honorable David Hobson, Ohio Senate Leadership
  • Honorable Patrick Sweeney, Chair, House Finance Committee
  • Honorable John Carey, Chair, House Finance Committee
  • Honorable Tom Johnson, Chair, House Finance Committee
  • Honorable Bob Ney, Chair, Senate Finance Committee
  • Honorable Paul Mehling, State Representative
  • Honorable Jolynn Barry Bulter, State Representative
  • Honorable Ryan Smith, Chair, House Finance Committee
  • Honorable Jay Edwards, Chair, House Finance Committee

Cabinet Officials and Senior Staff

  • Greg Browning, Director, OBM, Governor Voinovich
  • James Tilling, Chief of Staff, Ohio Senate
  • Joseph Summer, Chief of Staff, Governor Celeste
  • Scott Borgemenke, Senior Policy Advisor, Governor Taft
  • Jon Allison, Chief of Staff, Governor Taft
  • Eric Fingerhut, Chancellor, Governor Strickland
  • Jim Petro, Chancellor, Governor Kasich
  • John Carey, Chancellor, Governor Kasich

Ohio University Leaders

  • Ohio University President, Hugh Sherman
  • Ohio University President, Duane Nellis
  • Ohio University President, Roderick McDavis
  • Pam Benoit, Executive Vice President and Provost, Ohio University
  • David Wilhelm, Alumnus of the Year, Ohio University