Geoffrey L. Buckley

Geoffrey Buckley, portrait
Professor of Geography & Interim Associate Dean in the Honors Tutorial College for Ohio Honors and 1804 Scholars
35 Park Place, Room 204, Athens Campus
email address
phone number 740-597-1306

Please note: Dr. Buckley is currently serving in the Honors Tutorial College and is not accepting graduate students at this time.


Ph.D., University of Maryland


  • Environmental justice
  • Historical geography
  • Public lands
  • Urban sustainability

I began my service as Interim Associate Dean in the Honors Tutorial College in July 2022. With the support of an amazing team of advisors, instructors, faculty fellows, and staff, I manage the Ohio Honors and 1804 Scholars Programs, both of which are growing rapidly in numbers and popularity.

With respect to research, I study the environmental legacy effects of past decisions, practices, and processes. One can argue that if we are to make wise decisions regarding the environmental problems we face today, we must understand the complex web of human and physical processes that, over time, have contributed to their existence. I am particularly interested in environmental history and historical geography; environmental justice; mining landscapes; public lands, esp. national parks; urban environments; and urban sustainability.

Finally, I should mention my involvement with the Office of Global Opportunities. Every summer, I take 15-20 Ohio University students on an urban sustainability and environmental justice-themed education abroad trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. Over the course of five weeks, we explore this fascinating city and country through coursework and numerous field trips.

Courses Taught

  • GEOG 2400: Introduction to Environmental Geography
  • GEOG 4470/5470: Natural Resource Conservation
  • GEOG 3330/5330: Appalachia: Land and People
  • GEOG 4560/5560: The Just and Sustainable City
  • GEOG 6470: America’s National Parks

Representative Publications

Post, C.W., A.L. Greiner, and G.L. Buckley, eds. In press. The Routledge Companion to the American Landscape. London: Routledge.

Dickerman, E., and G.L. Buckley. 2022. Promoting Diversity at Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Environmental Justice. DOI: 10.1089/env.2021.0111.

Buckley, G.L., T. Paul, H. Kallin, and H. Cornell. 2019. Teaching Urban Sustainability: A Study Abroad Perspective. Social Sciences 8(9): 254.

Pickett, S.T.A., et al. 2020. Theoretical Perspectives of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Conceptual Evolution in a Socio-Ecological Research Projec (opens in a new window)t. Bioscience

Buckley, G.L., and Y. Youngs, eds. 2018. The American Environment Revisited: Environmental Historical Geographies of the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Grove, J.M., et al. 2018. The Legacy Effect: Understanding How Segregation and Environmental Justice Unfold Over Time in Baltimore (opens in a new window)Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (2): 524-537.

Buckley, G.L. 2018. Rethinking Fountainbridge: Honoring the Past and Greening the Future. In: Explorations in PLACE Attachment, ed. Jeffrey S. Smith, 197-210. London: Routledge.

Buckley, G.L., C.G. Boone, and J.M. Grove. 2017. The Greening of Baltimore’s Asphalt Schoolyards. The Geographical Review 107 (3): 516-535.

Selected Student Projects

Meghan Little, M.S. Environmental Studies (Thesis: “Conservation and Compliance: A Case Study in Kosovo’s Bjeshkët e Nemuna National Park,” May 2019)

Natalie Mumich, M.A. Geography (Thesis: “Greater Canyonlands: A Contested Landscape in Southern Utah,” May 2019)

Tatyana Pashibin, M.S. Environmental Studies (Thesis: “Environmental Perceptions of Canyonlands National Park, Utah, 1961-1971,” May 2019)

Meredith Stone, M.A. Geography (Thesis: “Décor-racial: Defining and Understanding Street Art as it Relates to Racial Justice in Baltimore, Maryland,” May 2017)

Jillian Prusa, M.A. Geography (Thesis: “Refurbishing the Rust Belt: Vacant Land Reuse in Baltimore, Maryland and Cleveland, Ohio,” December 2014)

James Lloyd, M.A. Geography (Thesis: “Community Development, Research, and Reinvestment: The Struggle Against Redlining in Washington, DC, 1970 – 1995,” August 2012)