James R. Casebolt

Dr. James R. Casebolt, portrait
Associate Professor
Eastern Campus
email address casebolt@ohio.edu


Ph.D. (Dec. 1994) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

M.A. (May 1992) (Psychology: Social major, Quantitative minor)

B.A. (May 1989) Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi, WV (Psychology — Summa Cum Laude;
   minors in Creative Writing and Technical Writing)

Classes Taught

  • General Psychology (PSY 1010)
  • Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (PSY 1110)
  • Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (PSY 2110)
  • Research Methods (PSY 2120)
  • Psychology of Personality (PSY 2720)
  • Social Psychology (PSY 2510)
  • Experimental Design & Analysis (PSY3210)
  • Introduction to the Study of Religion (CARS 2400)
  • Buddhism (CARS 3350)
