Edmond Y. Chang

Associate Professor
Ellis 331, Athens Campus
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Ph.D., English, University of Washington
M.A., English, University of Maryland
B.A., English, University of Maryland
B.A., Classics, University of Maryland
Scholarly Focus
- 20/21C American Literature
- Speculative Literature & Ethnic Futurisms
- Feminist & Queer Theory
- Digital Culture/Video Game Studies
- Posthuman Narratives
- Popular Culture
Recent Publications
- “Gaming While Asian.” Made in Asia/America: Why Video Games Were Never (Really) About Us. Eds. Tara Fickle and Christopher Patterson. Duke University Press, April 2024.
- “Introduction to the Game Studies Issue: A Metagame.” Co-authored and edited with Ashlee Bird. Game Studies themed issue of Configurations 36.2, Spring 2024.
- “Fish, Roses, and Sexy Sutures: Disability, Embodied Estrangement, and Radical Care in Larissa Lai’s The Tiger Flu.” Co-authored with Stevi Costa. Project(ing) Human: Representations of Disability in Science Fiction. Ed. Courtney Stanton. Vernon Press. April 2023.
- “Playing Difference: Toward a Games of Color Pedagogy.” Co-authored with Ashlee Bird and Kishonna L. Gray. Critical Pedagogy, Race, and Media: Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education Teaching. Eds. Susan Flynn and Melanie Marotta. Routledge, December 2021.
- “Why Are the Digital Humanities So Straight?” Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities. Ed. Dorothy Kim and Adeline Koh. Punctum Books, June 2021.
- “Playing as Making.” Disrupting Digital Humanities. Eds. Dorothy Kim and Jesse Stommel. Punctum Books, November 2018.
- “A Game Chooses, A Player Obeys: BioShock, Posthumanism, and the Limits of Queerness.” Gaming Representation: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Video Games. Eds. Jennifer Malkowski and TreaAndrea M. Russworm. Indiana University Press, July 2017.
- “Queergaming.” Queer Game Studies. Eds. Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw. University of Minnesota Press. March 2017.
- "'Love is in the Air': Queer (Im)Possibility and Straightwashing in FrontierVille and World of Warcraft." QED special issue on "Queer Gaming." Eds. Charles E. Morris and Thomas K. Nakayama. June 2015.
- “Teaching Harry Potter: Pedagogy as Play, Performance, and Textual Poaching.” Playing Harry Potter: Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance, Ed. Lisa Brenner. McFarland, 2015.
Courses Taught
- ENG 2310: Speculative Literature: “Contemporary Fantasy of Color"
- ENG 3380: Ethnic American Literature: “Asian American Literature and Imagining Asianfuturisms"
- ENG 7340: Twentieth Century American Literature: “Queer(ing) Realism(s): 20/21C American Literatures"
- ENG 2320: Literature and Social Justice: “Books Balls, and Barbie: Camp as Everyday Theory”
- ENG 2010: Prose Fiction and Nonfiction: "Read. Write. Bodies."
- ENG 2100: Critical Approaches to Popular Literature: “Why are Americans Afraid of Dragons?: Critical Approaches to Reading, Writing, and Playing Fantasy”
- ENG 3060: Women & Writing: "Critical Approaches to Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
- ENG 3850: Writing about Culture and Society: "Ready Player Two: Critical Approaches to Virtual Worlds and Video Games"
- ENG 3060: Women & Writing: "Feminist Science Fiction"
- ENG 3230: American Literature 1918-Present: "Queering American Literature"
- ENG 7800: Special Studies Seminar: "Keywords for Video Game Studies"