AnnCorinne Freter-Abrams

AnnCorinne-Freter-Abrams, portrait
Professor Emerita of Anthropology
Bentley Annex 025
email address
phone number 740-593-0694

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Teaching Awards

Arts & Sciences Transformative Faculty Award, 2010-11


Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1988

Research & Specialization

  • Mesoamerican Archaeology
  • Cultural Ecology
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Maya Settlement and Landscape Archaeology
  • Maya Domestic Economy
  • Gender in Prehistory
  • Archaeological Chronology
  • Obsidian Hydration Dating

Courses Taught

  • ANTH 1010: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH 2020: Introduction to World Archaeology
  • ANTH 3450/5450: Gender In Cross Cultural Perspective
  • ANTH 3670/5670: South American Prehistory
  • ANTH 3780/5780: Human Ecology
  • ANTH 3830/5830: Cultures of Latin America
  • ANTH 4943/5943: Seminar in Archaeological Anthropology
  • ANTH 4944/5944: Seminar in Human Ecology

Selected Publications

Elliot M. Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, and Vania Stefanova. 2014. Environmental Change Since the Woodland Period in the Mid-Ohio Valley: Results from the Patton Bog Sediment Core Palynological Analyses. MidContinental Journal of Archaeology 39: 163-178.

Sarah Weaver, Elliot Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter and Dorothy Sack. Middle Woodland Domestic Architecture and the Issue of Sedentism: Evidence from the Patton site (33AT990), the Hocking Valley, Ohio. The Journal of Ohio Archaeology1:22-37, 2011. A Refereed electronic Journal publication of the Ohio Archaeological Council.

Tracy Formica, Elliot Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, and Dorothy Sack. 2009. "The Domestic Economy at the Allen Site 2 (33AT653), A Late Woodland - Late Prehistoric Community in the Hocking Valley, Southeastern Ohio." West Virginia Archaeologist 56: 28-52.

Paul E. Patton, Elliot M. Abrams, and AnnCorinne Freter. 2009. "A Geochemical Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics in the Hocking Valley, Southeastern Ohio." Pennsylvania Archaeologist 79: 54-74.

Rachel Crews, Elliot Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, and Jeff Ueland. 2009. "A GIS Analysis of the Archaic to Woodland Period Settlement Trends in the Margaret Creek Watershed, Athens County, Ohio." West Virginia Archaeologist 55: 40-54.

Hicks, John J., Elliot M. Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, and Jeffrey Ueland. 2008. "The Formation of Indigenous Sedentary Communities in the Monday Creek Tributary of the Hocking River Valley, Ohio: A GIS Archaeological Landscape Approach". Pennsylvania Archaeologist 78: 44-63.

Peoples, Nicole, Elliot M. Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, Brad Jokisch, and Paul Patton. 2008. "The Taber Well Site (33HO611): A Middle Woodland Habitation and Surplus Lithic Production Site in the Hocking Valley, Southeastern Ohio." Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 33: 107–128.

Spertzel, Stacy, Elliot M. Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, and Gregory S. Springer. 2007. "Facing Monday Creek Rockshelter (33HO414): A Late Woodland Hunting Location in Southeastern Ohio." Pennsylvania Archaeologist 77: 53-70.

Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter (editors). The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005.

Elliot M. Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter. "The Archaeological Research History and Environmental Setting of the Hocking River Valley, Southeastern Ohio". In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005, 1-24.

Nicole I. Stump, James Lein, Elliot Abrams, and AnnCorinne Freter. "A Preliminary GIS Analysis of Hocking Valley Archaic and Woodland Settlement Trends" In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005, 25-38.

Marjorie Heyman, Elliot M. Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter. "Late Archaic Community Aggregation and Feasting in the Hocking River Valley" In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005, 67-81.

David Crowell, Elliot M. Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter and James Lein. "Woodland Communities (1000 B.C. - A.D. 200) in the Hocking Valley". In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005, 82-97.

Jeremy Blazier, AnnCorinne Freter and Elliot Abrams. "Woodland Ceremonialism in the Hocking Valley". In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005,98-114.

Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter. "Tribal Societies in the Hocking River Valley" In The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio, Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter ed. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2005, 174-196.

AnnCorinne Freter. "A Multiscalar Model of Rural Households and Communities in Late Classic Copan Maya Society". Ancient MesoAmerica, 2004, 15:93-106

David Webster, AnnCorinne Freter and Rebecca Storey. "Dating Copan Culture-History: Implications for the Terminal Classic and the Collapse". In The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation, eds. Arthur A. Demarest, Prudence M. Rice, and Don S. Rice. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, 2004, p. 231-259.

AnnCorinne Freter. "Dating Methods." The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Susan Toby Evans and David Webster. Garland Publishing, 2001, pp. 202-208

David Webster, AnnCorinne Freter and Nancy Gonlin. Copan: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Mayan Kingdom. Harcourt Brace & Company, 2000.

AnnCorinne Freter. "The Question of Time: The Impact of Chronology on Copan Prehistoric Settlement Demography." In Integrating Archaeological Demography: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Population. Edited by Richard Paine. Center For Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University Press. 1997, pp. 21-42.

AnnCorinne Freter and William C. Ciesielczyk Jr "A Reanalysis of the Pachuca Obsidian Hydration Sample from the 1961-62 TC-8 Excavation." In The Teotihuacan Valley Project: The Teotihuacan Period Occupation of the Valley, Part 4, edited by William T. Sanders. Matson Museum of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University Press. University Park, PA. 1996, pp. 862-877.

AnnCorinne Freter. "Rural Utilitarian Ceramic Production in the Late Classic Period Copan Maya State" In Arqueologia Mesoamericana: Homenaje a William T. Sanders, Vol. 2, edited by Guadalupe Mastache, Mari Carmen Sera, Jeffery Parsons, Robert Santley and Richard Diehl. (Mexico City, Mexico, INAH) 1996, pp. 209-229.

Elliot Abrams, AnnCorinne Freter, David Rue and John Wingard. "The Role of Deforestation in the Collapse of the Late Classic Copan Maya State." In Deforestation: The Human Dimension, edited by L. Sponsel, T. Headland and R. Bailey. Columbia University Press, New York. 1996, pp. 55-75.

Elliot Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter. "A Late Classic Lime Plaster Kiln From the Maya Centre Of Copan, Honduras." Antiquity Vol. 70 (268) 1996, pp.422-428.

Susan Evans and AnnCorinne Freter. "Aztec Period Settlement History and Absolute Chronology: Obsidian Hydration Evidence From the Teotihuacan Valley". Ancient Mesoamerica Vol. 7 (2) 1996, pp. 267-280.

Linda Manzanilla, Claudia Lopez, and AnnCorinne Freter. "Dating Results From Excavations in Quarry Tunnels Behind the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan".Ancient Mesoamerica Vol 7 (2) 1996, pp. 245-266.

Richard R. Paine, AnnCorinne Freter and David Webster. "A Mathematical Projection of Population Growth in the Copan Valley, Honduras, A.D. 400-800." Latin American Antiquity Vol. 7(1) 1996, pp. 51-60.

AnnCorinne Freter. Book Review of: Ceramics and Artifacts from Excavations in the Copan Residential Zone. by Gordon Willey, Richard Leventhal, Arthur Demarest, and William Fash. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 80. Harvard University, Cambridge, 1994. Book Review Published in Latin American Antiquity, Vol 7(3) 1996, p. 287.

Richard R. Paine and AnnCorinne Freter. "Environmental Degradation and the Classic Maya Collapse At Copan, Honduras (A.D. 600-1250): Evidence From Studies Of Household Survival." Ancient Mesoamerica. Vol 7(1) 1996, pp. 37-47.

AnnCorinne Freter. "The Classic Maya Collapse at Copan, Honduras: An Analysis of Maya Rural Settlement Trends." In Village Communities in Early Complex Societies. Edited by Glenn Schwartz and Steven Falconer. Smithsonian Series in Archaeological Inquiry. Washington, D.C., 1994, pp. 160-176

AnnCorinne Freter "Obsidian Hydration Dating: Its Past, Present and Future Application in Mesoamerica." Ancient Mesoamerica Vol 4(4) 1993, pp. 285-303.

David Webster, AnnCorinne Freter and David Rue "Obsidian Hydration Dating in the Copan Valley, A Regional Application and Why it Works." Latin American Antiquity Vol. 4(3), 1993, pp. 303-324.

AnnCorinne Freter "Chronological Research At Copan: Methods and Implications."Ancient Mesoamerica Vol.3(3) 1992, pp. 117-133.

Kazuo Aoyama and AnnCorinne Freter "Fechamiento de los Artefactos de Obsidiana de La Entrada por Methodo de Hidratacion." In Investigaciones Arqueologicas En La Region De La Entrada Tomo II. Edited by S. Nakamura, K. Aoyama and E. Uratsuji. Instituto Hondureno de Antropologia e Historia (IHAH), San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 1991, pp. 82-85 and 139-141.

David Webster and AnnCorinne Freter. "The Demography Of Late Classic Copan." In Precolumbian Population History in the Maya Lowland, edited by T. P. Culbert and D. Rice. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 1990, pp 37 61.

David Webster and AnnCorinne Freter. "Settlement History and the Classic "Collapse" at Copan: A Refined Chronological Perspective." Latin American Antiquity Vol. 1(1) 1990, pp. 66 85.

David Rue, AnnCorinne Freter and Diane Ballenger. "The Caverns of Copan Revisited: Multidisciplinary Investigations At Two Caves in Western Honduras." Journal of Field Archaeology Vol. 16 1989, pp. 395 404.