Bruce Hoffman

Recent News
Ph.D., University of Washington, 2004
Arts & Sciences Dean's Outstanding Teacher Award 2008
Research & Specialization
- Criminological Theory
- Law and Society
- Science Studies
- Social Movements
- Social Theory
Selected Grants
- Principal Investigator, “Reshaping and Modeling the Criminal Justice System through Science, Technology, and Systems Analysis,” National Science Foundation ($146,057).
- Principal Investigator, "Citizen Crime Commissions, the Congress, and Criminal Justice Reform." Congressional Research Grant, Dirksen Congressional Center ($3,460).
- Principal Investigator, "Modeling the Criminal Justice System: Science and Technology in the 1967 President's Commission." Moody Foundation, LBJ Presidential Library ($2,815)
Courses Taught
- CAS 2500: Breaking the Law
- SOC 1000: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 2610: Deviant Behavior
- SOC 3325/5325: Access to Justice
- SOC 3600: Criminology
- SOC 3660: Punishment & Society
- SOC 4640/5640: Law in Societies
- SOC 4680: Crimes Against Humanity
- SOC 4950: Sociology of Science: Senior Capstone
- SOC 6030: Seminar in Crime and Deviance
- SOC 6110: Seminar in International Justice & Transnational Activism
Selected Publications
Hoffman, Bruce, and Haley Duschinski. 2020. “Between Freedom and Justice: Popular Protest and Jurisdictional Contestation of Militarized Governance in Indian-Controlled Kashmir.” Social & Legal Studies. 29 (5): 650-78.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2016. “Birth Activism, Law, and the Organization of Independent Midwifery in Oregon.” Oregon Historical Quarterly (Special Issue: Regulating Birth). 117 (2): 198-231.
Hoffman, Bruce, and Haley Duschinski. 2014. “Contestations over Law, Power, and Representation in Kashmir Valley.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 16 (4): 501-30.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2012. “Review of Fictions of Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Challenge of Legal Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa by Kamari Maxine Clarke.” British Journal of Criminology 52: 218-21.
Duschinski, Haley, and Bruce Hoffman. 2011. “On the Frontlines of the Law: Legal Advocacy and Political Protest by Lawyers in Contested Kashmir.” Anthropology Today 27 (5): 8-12.
Duschinski, Haley, and Bruce Hoffman. 2011. “Everyday Violence, Institutional Denial, and Struggles for Justice in Kashmir.” Race & Class 52: 44-70.
Hoffman, Bruce, and Michelle Brown. 2010. “Staging an Execution: The Media at McVeigh.” In Framing Crime: Cultural Criminology and the Image, edited by K. Hayward and M. Presdee. London: Routledge-Cavendish Press.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2009. “Mobilizing Criminology: The Boundaries of Criminological Science and the Politics of Genocide — Review of Darfur and the Crime of Genocide by John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond.” Review Symposium in Theoretical Criminology 13: 481-85.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2009. “Conquest Traditions, Conflict Transformation, and the Cultural Boundaries of Criminology: Rigoberta Menchú and Criminological Science.” Contemporary Justice Review 12: 171-89.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2008. “Minding the Gap: Legal Ideals and Strategic Action in State Legislative Hearings.” Law & Social Inquiry 33: 89-126.
Hoffman, Bruce. 2008. “The Science and Politics of Reducing Child Victimization.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24: 103-13.
Hoffman, Bruce, and Ashley Demyan, eds. 2008. Teaching and Learning about Deviance: A Resource Guide. Sixth Edition. Washington, D.C., American Sociological Association.
Beckett, Katherine, and Bruce Hoffman. 2005. “Challenging Medicine: Law, Resistance, and the Cultural Politics of Childbirth.” Law & Society Review 39: 125-70.
- Reprinted 2014 in The Law & Society Reader II, edited by Erik Larson and Patrick Schmidt. New York: New York University Press.