Gary Edward Holcomb

Gary Edward Holcomb
Professor & Chair
Bentley Annex 311, Athens Campus
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Ph.D., English, Washington State University, 1995

M.A., English, California State University, Long Beach, 1988

B.A., English, CSULB, 1984


Gary Holcomb’s scholarship and writing concentrates chiefly on the Harlem Renaissance, with much of his research and writing being on the radical poet, fiction writer, and memoirist Claude McKay. A recent piece appeared in the September 11, 2023, Los Angeles Review of Books: "Zeal, Wit, and Fury: The Queer Black Modernism of Claude McKay (opens in a new window)."

Holcomb and Brooks E. Hefner, James Madison University, are currently co-editing Claude McKay: Letters in Exile, forthcoming from Yale University Press in 2025. Carried on with many of the leading figures of the Modernist period and dispatched from New York, London, Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Marseille, and Tangier, the Jamaican émigré author’s probing, impassioned, candid letters are assured to enrich a range of critical fields. Claude McKay: Letters in Exile will be excerpted in The Paris Review in Spring 2025.

In November 2023, the American Legation in Tangier (opens in a new window) invited Holcomb to speak on McKay’s years in Tangier. And in December 2023, The Banjo Society-Claude McKay (opens in a new window) at Aix-Marseille Université brought Holcomb to speak on the letters for the Colloque Claude McKay: Passage and Crossings in Marseille, France, another city McKay lived in and where he set two novels.

For nearly twenty years, Holcomb worked to get into print McKay’s unpublished, circa 1929-1933 Romance in Marseille (opens in a new window). In 2018, he and co-editor William J. Maxwell, Washington University, St. Louis, signed with Penguin Random House to edit the manuscript. Holcomb and Maxwell supplemented the Penguin Classic with an extensive scholarly introduction and annotations informed by a wide range of published and archival materials, with McKay’s letters playing the key role. Available in trade paperback, ebook, and audiobook, Romance in Marseille has sold over eighteen thousand copies worldwide.

Romance in Marseille’s publication became a national phenomenon. The New York Times published several articles on the arrival of Romance in Marseille, including a full-page analysis that appeared in The New York Times Book Review (opens in a new window). The book was selected for the NYTBR’s Editor’s Choice/Staff Picks (opens in a new window). Discussing Romance in Marseille’s groundbreaking portrayal of Pan-Africanist, disabled, and LGBTQ+ countercultures, The New York Review of Books (opens in a new window)The New Yorker (opens in a new window)The Wall Street Journal (opens in a new window)The Washington Post (opens in a new window), and New York magazine’s “Vulture (opens in a new window)” section reviewed the novel. It also placed third on the “Vulture” list of “10 Best Books of 2020 (opens in a new window).”

Romance in Marseille was noted internationally, as well, with reviews and features appearing in such publications as The Guardian (opens in a new window)The London Review of Books (opens in a new window), and The Sydney Morning Herald (opens in a new window). The novel was the topic of several BBC World audio programs, including Radio 3’s Arts & Ideas (opens in a new window) and BBC Sounds’ A Good Read (opens in a new window). Cultural and news sites across the globe praised the book’s arrival. CBC/Radio Canada's (opens in a new window) national interview show Q interviewed Holcomb at length about the Great Depression-period novel’s contemporary impact. The Jamaica Gleaner (opens in a new window), the newspaper that over a century ago called the world’s attention to McKay, published an editorial asserting that the novel’s arrival should inspire the abolition of Jamaica’s longstanding, homophobic anti-sodomy law.

In academic, activist, and literary spheres, Romance in Marseille has been welcomed as a major step forward in Black, queer, disability, and leftist studies. Henry Louis Gates Jr. included the novel on a select list of African American classics (opens in a new window), signifying Romance in Marseille’s entry into the African American literary canon. The Los Angeles Review of Books (opens in a new window) excerpted two chapters, and an interview with Holcomb and Maxwell appeared in a subsequent LARB (opens in a new window) issue. Academic reviews have appeared in American Literary History (opens in a new window)American Communist History (opens in a new window), and The Modernist Review (opens in a new window). LGBTQ+ activist site Lambda Literary (opens in a new window) praised Romance’s progressive “pansexual” spirit.

While the manuscript was being prepared for publication, the editorial board of English Language Notes (ELN) invited Holcomb and Maxwell to guest-edit a special issue devoted to the novel’s historic release. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille (opens in a new window)” reads the text vis-à-vis such emergent critical areas as Afropessimism, maritime modernism, and the politics of pleasure.

Holcomb’s first book, Claude McKay, Code Name Sasha: Queer Black Marxism and the Harlem Renaissance (opens in a new window) (University Press of Florida, 2007), is widely regarded as a foundational work in bridging Modernist, queer, leftist, and Black transnational studies. Reviews appeared in such journals as American Literary History, African American Review, American Literature, Callaloo, and GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies.

Interested in the connections between the Harlem Renaissance and the Lost Generation writers, Holcomb has edited two books on the intertextual exchanges between Hemingway and such Black authors as McKay, Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, Chester Himes, and James Baldwin. Holcomb collaborated with Charles Scruggs, University of Arizona, on Hemingway and the Black Renaissance (opens in a new window) (Ohio State University Press, 2012), and in 2018 he edited Teaching Hemingway and Race (opens in a new window), part of the Kent State University Press “Teaching Hemingway” series (opens in a new window). He is currently working on Claude McKay in Context for Cambridge University Press.

Awards, Honors and Fellowships

In May 2023, Holcomb organized and was elected president of the newly formed Claude McKay Society (CMKS) (opens in a new window).

The Ohio University College of Arts and Sciences conferred on Holcomb the 2020-2021 award for Outstanding Humanities Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (opens in a new window).

For his 2017 Faculty Fellowship Leave, Holcomb focused on McKay’s correspondence and related materials. He conducted his sabbatical research in the archives of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

In 2016, Holcomb was named National Endowment for the Humanities Visiting Scholar for Ernest J. Gaines and the Southern Experience, an NEH Summer Scholar Institute conducted in the Ernest J. Gaines Center (opens in a new window), University of Louisiana, Lafayette.

In 2015, he was invited to be a FIRST (Faculty-In-Residence-Summer-Term) Scholar (opens in a new window) in the Department of English, University of Colorado, Boulder, where he taught a graduate course on “Queer Harlem Renaissance.”

Hemingway and the Black Renaissance (opens in a new window) was a Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries Outstanding Academic Title as well as a Significant University Press Title for Undergraduates.

Claude McKay, Code Name Sasha: Queer Black Marxism and the Harlem Renaissance received an honorable mention for the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights Book Award in 2007.

Holcomb served three Fulbright lectureships. He was twice posted as a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in American Studies in Romania: at the University of Bucharest for the academic year of 1998-1999; and at A.I. Cuza University, Iași, for 2004-2005. He was Senior Fulbright Specialist, Department of American Studies, Dresden Technical University, Germany, in 2006.


Co-editor, with Brooks E. Hefner. Claude McKay: Letters in Exile. Forthcoming with Yale University Press, 2025.

Editor. Claude McKay in Context. Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, 2026.

Co-editor, with William J. Maxwell. Romance in Marseille (opens in a new window), by Claude McKay. Penguin Random House, 2020.

Editor. Teaching Hemingway and Race (opens in a new window). Kent State University Press, 2018.

Co-editor, with Charles Scruggs. Hemingway and the Black Renaissance (opens in a new window). Ohio State University Press, 2012.

Claude McKay, Code Name Sasha: Queer Black Marxism and the Harlem Renaissance (opens in a new window). University Press of Florida, 2007.

Guest-Edited Journal Special Issues

Co-editor, with William J. Maxwell. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille (opens in a new window).” Special issue of English Language Notes (ELN) 59.1 (April 2021). Duke University Press.

Co-editor, with Cheryl Higashida and Aaron Lecklider. “Sexing the Left (opens in a new window).” Special issue of ELN 53.1 (Spring/Summer 2015). University of Colorado Press.

Recent Articles in Scholarly Journals and Chapters in Critical Anthologies

Langston Hughes’s 1930s Short Fiction (opens in a new window)” and “Langston Hughes as Queer Harlem Renaissance Author (opens in a new window),” two chapters in Langston Hughes in Context. Ed. Vera M. Kutzinski and Anthony Reed. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

“Great Depression Novel, Great Quarantine Read: Making McKay’s Romance in Marseille a Contemporary Classic.” New Directions in Print Culture Studies: Archives, Materiality, and Modern American Culture (opens in a new window). Ed. Jesse Schwartz and Daniel Worden. Bloomsbury, 2022.

“Editing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille: A Groundbreaking Harlem Renaissance Novel Emerges from the Archive.” Editing the Harlem Renaissance (opens in a new window). Ed. Joshua Murray and Ross Tangedal. Clemson University Press, 2021.

With William J. Maxwell. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille: Introduction to the Special Issue (opens in a new window).” ELN 59.1 (April 2021), Duke University Press.

Courses Regularly Taught

  • AAS 1100 Introduction to African American Literature
  • AAS 2100 African American Literature I: Slave Narratives to Harlem Renaissance
  • AAS 2110 African American Literature II: Harlem Renaissance to Contemporary Black Literature
  • AAS 3100 Postmodern Blackness: Identity and Culture in Contemporary African American Literature
  • AAS 3110 Harlem Renaissance