Mathematics Undergraduate Courses & Resources
Math Placement at Ohio University
Current course offerings are available at the Registrar's course offerings page, and the final exam schedule is on the Registrar's final exam page.
- Interpreting Your Math grade
- The Ohio University Academic Achievement Center offers a Math Center, Peer Assisted Learning, and Tutoring.
MATH Course Pages
- MATH 1101, 1102 Elementary Topics in Math I, II
- MATH 1300 Pre-Calculus
- MATH 1350 Survey of Calculus
- MATH 2301, 2302, 3300 Calculus I, II, III
- MATH 2500 Introduction to Statistics
Complaints or Problems
- To resolve a grade of "I", "PR", or ",", or to appeal a grade, first try to contact your instructor from that class.
- If your instructor is no longer available, or if you have a complaint about your instructor, then try to contact the course coordinator listed above.
- If there is no coordinator for that course, or you have a complaint about the coordinator, then contact the undergraduate chair (for an undergraduate class) or the graduate chair (for a graduate class).