Mark D. Nevin

Mark D. Nevin, portrait
Associate Professor
Lancaster Campus
email address


Ph.D. in History, University of Virginia

M.A. in History, University of Virginia

M.A. in Liberal Arts, St. John’s College


  • Civil Rights
  • The 1960s
  • The Modern Presidency

Personal Profile

Mark Nevin is an Associate Professor of History at the Lancaster campus, where he has taught since 2010. His research focuses on American politics and political movements of the 1960s. He has published on Barry Goldwater and the response of congressional Republicans to Watergate and most recently on a civil rights demonstration at a Jackson, Mississippi, library in 1961. He is currently working on a manuscript about restaurant owner Harry Akin and his desegregation campaign in Austin, Texas. With the help of a grant from the Central Region Humanities Center, he is also working on a long-term research project on student protest on the Ohio University Athens campus in the 1960s.

He lives in Pickerington, Ohio, with his wife Judy Carey Nevin, the Manager of the Library at the Lancaster campus, and their daughter Sarah.


He teaches a variety of courses in American history and was named the 2014 Professor of the Year on the Lancaster campus for his teaching. He regularly teaches the following courses:

  • HIST 2000 & 2001, U.S. Surveys
  • HIST 3004, American Revolution
  • HIST 3030, America in World War Two
  • HIST 3050, America in the Vietnam War
  • HIST 3081, American Civil War
  • HIST 3111J, Historical Research Writing
  • HIST 3150, African American History
  • HIST 3220, America in the 1960s