Surender Jain Website
S. K. Jain
Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Ohio University
Founder and Former Director, Ohio University Center of Ring Theory and its Applications
Advisor and Distinguished Adjunct Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA
Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
Journal of Algebra
and its Applications
Contemporary Mathematics
Contact Information
- Phone: 740-592-1660
Distinguished Professor S. K. Jain served Ohio University, Department of Mathematics from 1970 to 2009. He also served as Director of Center of Ring Theory and its Applications from 2001 to 2009. Before joining the faculty at Ohio University, he was a Reader in Mathematics at the University of Delhi (1965-70). Currently, he is an Advisor and Distinguished Adjunct Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA.
Dr. Jain has held visiting professor appointments at several institutions worldwide. His visiting positions include the Riverside, Santa Barbara and Berkeley campuses of the University of California, the Ohio State University in Columbus, North Carolina State University in Raleigh, University of Chicago, McMaster University in Hamilton and University of Frankfurt, as well as the Indian Statistical Institute, and the Indian Institute of Technology.
Dr. Jain has authored more than 135 research articles that have been published in professional journals. His papers have appeared in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, the Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Communications in Algebra, Archiv der Mathematik, Math Zeitchrift, Linear Algebra and Applications, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, SIAM J. Discrete Methods, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, etc. He has co-authored five undergraduate/graduate texts. In particular, he is a co-author of the widely used graduate text Basic Abstract Algebra (second edition), published by Cambridge University Press (1994), Linear Algebra: An Interactive Approach published by Brooks/Cole (2003), graduate text entitled Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra, published by the American Mathematical Society (2008), and the book Cyclic Modules and the Structure of Rings in the Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press (2012).
In addition, Dr. Jain is a coeditor of seven research volumes of scholarly papers in Ring Theory in Marcel Dekker (1977), Springer Verlag (1990), World Scientific Press (1993), Birkhauser (1997), American Math Society (2000), American Math Society (2006) and American Math Society (2008). He is a two times recipient of Senior Scientist Fulbright Award (1991-92, 1995-96), has been awarded grants by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and US-India Scientific Exchange grants by the National Science Foundation (1991-92, 1992-94). He was the recipient of a United Nations Development Project Grant (1998-99), and of a conference grant from National Security Agency (1999).
He was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, 1999 at Ohio University. He has delivered Professional lectures at mathematical meetings all over the world and has been the organizer of conferences on many topics in Abstract Algebra.
He is an Executive Editor of the Journal of Algebra and its Applications, World Scientific Press, and that of Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag. He is also serving on the editorial board of Electronic Journal of Algebra.
He has supervised 23 Ph.D. dissertations in Noncommutative Rings, Modules, and Applied Linear Algebra. A life member of the Indian Mathematical Society, he is also a member of the American Mathematical Society.