Surender Jain Publications
- Algebras and semigroups of locally subexponential growth, submitted J. Algebra ( with Alahmadi, Hamed and Zelmanov)
- Quasi-permutation singular matrices are products of idempotents. Linear Algebra Appl. 496 (2016), 487–495 (with Alahmadi and Leroy)
- Decompositions into products of idempotents. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 29 (2015), 74–88 (with Alahmadi, Leroy, and Sathaye)
- Characterizations of almost selfinjective modules, Noncommutative rings and their applications, 11–17, Contemp. Math., 634, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015 (with Adel Alahmadi and Surjeet Singh)
- Finite generation of Lie algebras associated to associative algebras , J. Algebra 426 (2015), 69–78 (with Adel Alahmadi, Hamid Alsulami, and Efim Zelmanov)
- Indecomposable decomposition and couniserial dimension, Bull. Math. Sci. 5 (2015), no. 1, 121–136 (with A Ghorbhani and Z. Nazemian)
- Almost injective modules—a brief survey. J. Algebra Appl. 13 (2014), 1350164, 12 pp (with Adel Alahmadi)
- Euclidean pairs and quasi-Euclidean rings. J. Algebra 406 (2014), 154–170. 16Wxx (with Adel Alahmadi, T.Y.Lam, and Andre Leroy)
- Decomposition of singular matrices into idempotents. Linear Multilinear Algebra 62 (2014), no. 1, 13–27. 15A23 (with Adel Alahmadi and Andre Leroy)
- Structure of Leavitt path algebras of polynomial growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110 (2013), no. 38, 15222–15224. 16S99 (with Adel Alahmadi, Hamid Alsulami, and Efim Zelmanov)
- Monotonicity of Nonnegative Matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2012), 855-864 (with Adel Alahmadi and Yousef Alkhamees )
- On Semigroups and Semirings of Nonnegative Matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2012),595-598 (With Adel Alahmadi and Yousef Alkhamees)
- ADS Modules, Journal of Algebra 352(2012), 215-232 (with Adel Alahmadi and Andre Leroy)
- Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Gelfand-Kirillov Dimension, Journal of Algebra and its Applications,11(2012)1250225, 1-6 (with Adel Alahmadi, Hamed Alsulami, Efim Zelmanov)
- Perfect semiring of nonnegative matrices. Combinatorial matrix theory and generalized inverses of matrices, 177–181, Springer, New Delhi, 2013 (with Adel Alahmadi and Yousef Alkhamees)
- Decomposition of Singular Matrices into idempotents, Lineaqr and Multinear Algebra, to appear (2013) (with Adel Alahmadi and Andre Leroy)
- Cyclic Modules and the Structure of Rings (Oxgord Mathematical Monographs), Oxford University Press (2013) (with Ashish Srivastava and Askar Tuganbaev)
- Direct Sums of Injective and Projective Modules, Journal of Algebra, 324 (2010), 1429-1434 (with P. A. Guil Asensio and Ashish K. Srivastava).
- Erratum: Generalized Group Algebras of Locally Compact Groups, Communications in Algebra, Volume 38, Issue 10 (2010), page 3974 (with A. I. Singh and Ashish K. Srivastava).
- Rings over which cyclics are direct sums of projective and CS or noetherian, Glasgow J. Mathematics, 52, A (2010), 103-110 (with C. Holston and A. Leroy).
- Nonnegative Group-Monotone Matrices and the Minus Partial Order, Linear Algebra and Appl. 420 (2009), 121-132 (with B. Blackwood).
- A note on Almost Injective Modules, Math J. Okayama Univ, 51 (2009), 101-109 (with Adel Alahmadi).
- On Sigma-q rings, J. Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), 969-976 (with Surjeet Singh and Ashish K. Srivastava).
- Ore extensions and V-domains, Rings, Modules and Representations, Contemp. Math. Series AMS, 480 (2009), 263-288 (with T. Y. Lam and A. Leroy).
- Shorted Operators Relative to a Partial Order in a Regular Ring , Communications in Algebra, Vol. 37, Number 11 (2009), 4141-4152 (with Ashish K. Srivastava, B. Blackwood and K. M. Prasad).
- Generalized Group Algebras of Locally Compact Groups, Communications in Algebra 36 (2008), 3559-3563 (with A. I. Singh and Ashish K. Srivastava).
- New Characterizations of sigma-injective Modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 316 (10), 2008, 3461-3466 (with K. I. Beidar and Ashish K. Srivastava).
- Essential Extensions of Direct Sum of Simple Modules-II, Modules and Comodules, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser 2008, 243-246 (with Ashish K. Srivastava).
- When is a Semilocal Group Algebra Continuous, Journal of Algebra, 312, 2007, 152-157 (with P. Kanwar and J. B. Srivastava).
- Semiprime CS Group Algebra of Polycyclic-By-Finite Group Without Domains as Summands as Hereditary, J. Algebra, 307 (2007), 541-546 (with Adel Alahamadi and J. B. Srivastava).
- Essential Extensions of a Direct Sum of Simple Modules, Contemporary Math Series, Groups, Rings and Algebras, 420, American Math Society (2006), 15-23 (with Ashish K.Srivastava and Late K.I.Beidar).
- Right-Left Symmetry of Right Nonsingular Right Max-Min CS Prime Rings, Coummunications Alg, 34, 11 (2006), 3883 - 3889 (with Husain S. Al-Hazmi, Adel N. Alahmadi).
- Group algebras in which the complements are direct summands. (Russian) Fundamental and Applied Math 11 (2005), no. 3, 3--11 (with A. N. Al-ahmadi, Pramod Kanwar, and J. B. Srivastava).
- On generalized q.f.d. modules. Arch. Math. (Brno) 41 (2005), no. 3, 243--251 ( with Mohammad Saleh and S. R. Lopez-Permouth )
- Modules which are invariant under monomorphisms of their injective hulls, J. Australian Math. Soc., 79(2005), 349-360 (with A. Alahmadi and N. Er).
- Whens Is Every Module with Essentail Socle a Direct Sums of Quasi-injectives?, Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), no. 11, 4251--4258, (with K. Beidar).
- Decomposition of Generalized polynomial symmetric matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 376(2004), 69-83. (with R.B. Bapat and John Tynan).
- Survey of some recent results in CS group algebras and Open Quesitons, Advances in Algebra, World Scientific Press (2003), 401-408. (with P. Kanwar and Srivastava).
- Nonnegative rank factorization of a nonnegative matrix with A†A ≥ 0, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 51 (2003), 83-95 (with John Tynan).
- CS matrix rings over local rings, J. Algebra,264 (2003), 251-261. (with K.I. Beidar, P. Kanwar and J.B. Srivastava).
- When cyclic singular modules over a simple ring are injective, J. Algebra, 263(2003), 185-192. (with D.V. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Prime Goldie Rings of Uniform Dimension at Least Two and with all One-sided Ideals CS are Semihereditary, Communications in Algebra, 31(2003), no. 11, 5355-5360(with Dinh V. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- The Structure of Right Continuous Right p-Rings, Communications in Algebra (2004), 32, no. 1, 315-332 (with K. Beidar).
- Semilocal CS Matrix rings of order > 1 over group algebras of solvable groups are selfinjective, J. Algebra (2004), 275, no. 2, 856-858 (with K. Beidar, Pramond Kanwar, and J. B. Srivastava).
- Nonsingular CS Rings coincide with Tight PP-Rings,J. Algebra, 282(2004), 626-637 (with K. Beidar and P. Kanwar).
- Nonnegative matrices A with AA# ≥ 0, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 379(2004), 381-194 (with J. Tynan).
- Modules which are invariant under monomorphisms of their injective hulls, to appear in J. Australian Math. Soc. (with A. Alahmadi and N. Er).
- Column of Uniform Color in a Rectangular Array with Rows Having Cyclically Reperated Color Patterns, Discrete Math., 254(2002), 371-392 (with S.R. Nagpaul).
- An Example of a Right q-ring, Israel J. Math. 127(2002) 303-316 (with K. Beidar, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke).
- Rings characterized by direct sums of CS modules, Communications in Algebra 28(9) (2000), 4219-4222 (with Dinh V. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Quotient rings of algebras of functions and operators, Math Zeitchrift, 234 (2000) (4), 721-737 (with A.I. Singh).
- KD¥ is a CS-algebra, Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 128(2000), 397-400 (with P. Kanwar, S. Malik and J.B. Srivastava).
- On the symmetry of the Goldie and CS conditions for prime rings, Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 128 (2000), 3153-3157 (with D. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Nonsingular semiperfect CS-rings II, Bull. London Math Soc., 32(2000), 421-431 (with P. Kanwar and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Design and implementation of an electric text for Linear Algebra with Matlab drills, Proc 12th International Conf. on Technology in Collegiate Math, Addison Welsely, NY 135-139 (2000) (with A.D. Gunawardena).
- Rings in which every (finitely generated) right ideal is quasi-continuous, Glasgow J. Math 41 (1999), 167-181 (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and R. Syed).
- Generalized power symmetric stochastic matrices, Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 127 (1999) 1987-1994, (with R.B. Bapat and K. Manju Prasad).
- Right-Left symmetry of aRÅ bR=(a+b)R in von Neumann regular rings, J. Pure & Applied Algebra, 133 (1998) 141-142 (with K.M. Prasad).
- On uniform dimensions of ideals in right nonsingular rings, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 133 (1998), 117-140, (with T.Y. Lam and Andre Leroy).
- Nonsingular semiperfect CS-rings, J. Alg, 203 (1998), 361-373, (with S.Brthwal, P. Kanwar and S. Lopez-Permouth).
- Weighted Moore-Penrose inverse of a Boolean Matrix, Linear Algebra and Applications, 255 (1997), 267-279(with R. Bapat and T. Pati).
- Nonnegative idempotent matrices and the minus partial order, Linear Algebra and Applications, 261 (1997) 143-154, (with R. Bapat and L. Snyder).
- Rings of Morita context in which each right ideal is weakly self-injective, Advances in Ring Theory, Birkhauser 31-38 (1997), (with S. Barthwal, S. Jhingan, and S. Lopez-Permouth).
- On weakly injective continuous modules, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math on Abelian Groups and Modules, Volume 182, Marcel Dekker, (1996) 385-392.
- A note on 0,1 - matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 41 (3) (1996), 193-198 (with L. Snyder).
- When is simple ring noetherian?, J. Algebra, 184 (1996), 784-794 (with D. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- On G-based partial order extensions, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis & Applications, 17 (4) (1996), 834-850. (with S.K. Mitra and Hans Werner).
- Mutual injective hulls, Canadian Math. Bull., 39 (1), (1996), 68-73 (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and R. Syed).
- On a class of nonnoetherian V-rings, Communications in Algebra, 34 (9) (1996), 2839-2850 (with D. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Application of Near Rings to Balanced Incomplete Block Designs, Applied Abstract Algebra, Center for Professional Development in Higher Education, Univ. Delhi, Delhi (1996), 12-18 (with K. Bala Subramanian).
- Applications of Burnside and Polya Theorems, Applied Abstract Algebra, Center for Professional Development in Higher Education, Univ. Delhi, Delhi (1996), 19-37 (with M. Srinivasan).
- An Application of Finite Fields and Number Theory to Cryptography, Applied Abstract Algebra, Center for Professional Development in Higher Education, Univ. Delhi, Delhi (1996), 96-100 (with L.R. Vermani).
- Weakly injective modules over hereditary noetherian prime rings, Journal Australian Math. Soc., 58 Series (4) 287-297 (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Superfluous Covers, Communications in Algebra, 23 (5) (1995), 1663-1677 (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and L. Rowen).
- On weakly projective and weakly injective modules, Canadian J. Math, 46 (5), (1994), 971-981 (with S.R.Lopez-Permouth, K. Oshiro and M. Saleh).
- Roots of symmetric idempotent Boolan matrices, SIAM Proceedings, Fifth Linear Algebra Conference (1994), 389-393 (with R.B. Bapat).
- A survey of theory of weakly injective modules, Computational Algebra, Marcel Dekker, N.Y. (1994) 205- 232. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Nonnegative normal matrices, Linear Algebra & Applications 182 (1993), 147-155. (with L. Snyder).
- On weakly projective modules, Ring Theory, World Scientific Press, N.J. (1993) 200-28. (with S. Lopez-Permouth & M. Saleh).
- Rings whose cyclics have finite Goldie dimension, Journal of Algebra, 153 (1992), 37-40. (with A. Al-Huzali and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- On a class of QI-rings, Glasgow Journal Math., 34 (1992), 75-81. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and S. Singh).
- On weakly-injective modules and rings, Osaka J. Mathematics 29 (1992), 75-88. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and A. Al-Huzali).
- On weakly-injective modules (expository article), Math Student, 58 (1992), 1-4.
- A characterization of uniserial rings via continuous and discrete modules, Journal Australian Math Soc., 60 (1991), 197-203. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and S.T. Rizvi).
- Modified iterative methods for consistent linear systems, Linear Algebra and Applications, (1991), 123-143. (with A. Gunawardena and L. Snyder).
- Continuous rings with acc on essentials are artinian, Proc. Amer. Math Soc., 108 (1990), 583-586. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth and S.T. Rizvi).
- Rings whose cyclic are essentially embeddable in projective modules, Journal of Algebra, 128 (1990), 257-269. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- On weak monotonocity of the powers of nonnegative matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 26 (1990), 223-230. (with A. Gunawardena and L. Snyder).
- On the weak relative-injectivity of rings and modules, Noncommutative Ring Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 1448, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin - New York (1990), 93-98. (with A. Al-Huzali and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- A generalization of the Wedderburn - Artin theorem, Proc. Amer. Math Soc., 106 (1989) 10-23. (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Periodicity of the graph of nonnegative matrices, Linear Algebra and Applications, 120 (1989), 181-192. (with A. Gunawardena and L. Snyder).
- Generalizations of QF-rings, and continuous and discrete modules, (expository), The Math Student, 57 (1989), 219-224.
- Finite uniserial rings of finite characteristic, Communications in Algebra 16 (10), 1988, 2133-2135. (with J. Luh and B. Zimmermann-Huisgen).
- Nonnegative generalized inverses of powers of nonnegative matrices, Linear Algebra and Applications 107 (1988), 169-179. (with A. Berman).
- Rings whose (proper) cyclic modules have cyclic p- injective hulls, Archiv der Math 48, (1987), 109-115. (with H. Saleh).
- Rings with finitely generated injective (quasi-injective) hulls of cyclic modules, Communications in Algebra 15 (1987), 1679-1687.
- Rings, Fields and Vector Spaces, Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences and Technology Vol. 12, Academic Press (1987), 209-221.
- New Classes of monotone matrices, Current Trends in Matrix Theory, Elsevier Sc. Pub. (1987), 155-156. (with L. Snyder).
- Over determined linear systems satisfying nonnegativity constraints, Linear Algebra and Applications, 57 (1984), 205-213.
- Linear systems having nonnegative least Squares solutions, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 15 (1984), 121-132. (with L. Snyder).
- Linear Systems having nonnegative best approximate solutions, Algebra and Applications, Marcel Dekkar (1984), 99-132.
- Remarks on prime valuation rings, Proc. International Conference of Math., Pecasse Euroset, Maastricht, Netherland (1983), 111-112.
- Nonnegative rectangular matrices having certain nonnegative w-weighted group inverses, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), 1-9.
- Nonnegative minimum norm least squares solutions of Ax=B, J.I.M.S. 46 (1982), 85-89. (with L. Snyder).
- Nonnegative matrices A such that Ax=b has nonnegative best approximate solution, SIAM Journal Algebraic and Discrete Methods, 3 (1982), 197-213. (with Y. Egawa).
- Semiperfect rings whose cyclic modules are continuous, Archiv der Math. 37 (1981), 140-143. (with B. Mueller).
- Nonnegative l -monotone matrices, SIAM J. Algebraic and Discrete Methods 2 (1981), 66-76. (with L. Snyder).
- Nonnegative matrices having nonnegative Drazin pseudo-inverses, Linear Algebra and Applications, 29 (1980), 173-183. (with V.K. Goel).
- Decomposition of nonnegative group-monotone matrices, Trans, Amer. Math. Soc., 257 (1980), 371-385. (with V.K. Goel and E. Kwak).
- Nonnegative mth roots of nonnegative 0-symmetric idempotent matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 23 (1979), 37-51. (with V.K. Goel and E. Kwak).
- Nonnegative matrices having same Moore -Penrose and group inverses, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 7 (1979), 59-72. (with V.K. Goel and E. Kwak).
Rings whose cyclic modules are continuous, Journal Indian Math. Soc. 42 (1978), 197-202.(with S. Mohammed).
- p -injective modules and rings whose cyclic are p-injective, Communications in Algebra 6 (1978), 59-72. (with V.K. Goel).
- Nonnegative matrices having nonnegative generalized in- verses (expository), The Math. Student 46 (1978),42-48.
- Nonnegative Matrices A with At=Am. Bull International Statistical Inst., 47 (1977), 256-259.
- Semiprime rings having finite length w.r.t. an idempotent kernel functor, Israel J. Math, 28 (1977) 110-112. (with S. Singh).
- Rings and Modules of fractions w.r.t. an idempotent kernel functor (expository), The Math. Student 45 (1977).
- Rings whose cyclic modules have certain properties and the duals, Ring Theory: Lecture Notes Series in Pure and Applied Math., Marcel Dekker, v. 25 (1977), 143-160.
- Semiperfect rings with quasi-projective left ideals, Math Journal Okayama University, 19 (1976), 39-43. (with S. Goel).
- Rings whose proper cyclic modules are quasi-injective, Pacific J. Math. 67 (1976), 461-472. (with R.G. Symonds and S. Singh).
- On quasi-injective and pseudo-injective modules, Canadian Math. Bull. 18 (1975), 359-366. (with S. Singh).
- Rings whose cyclic modules are injective or projective, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (1975), 16-18. (with S. Goel and S. Singh).
- Rings with quasi-projective left ideals, Pacific J. Math. 60 (1975), 169-181. (with S. Singh).
- Rings with a Polynomial Identity.
- Prime rings having one-sided ideal with polynomial identity coincide with Special Johnson rings, Journal of Algebra, 19 (1971), 125-130.
- Restricted regular rings, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 121 (1971), 51-54. (With S. Jain).
- Self-injective group rings, Archiv der Math. 22 (1971), 53-54.
- A note on the adjoint group of a ring, Archiv der Math. 21 (1970), 366-368. (with P.B. Bhattacharya).
- Rings having solvable adjoint groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1970), 563-565. (with P.B. Bhattacharya).
- Rings having one-sided ideal satisfying a polynomial identity, Archiv der Math. 20 (1969), 17-23. (with S. Singh).
- Rings in which each right ideal is quasi-injective, Pacific J. Math. 31 (1969), 73-80. (with S. Mohammed and S. Singh).
- A note on the generalized commutative rings, Journal Indian Math. Soc. 33 (1969), 1-6. (with P.K. Menon).
- Prime rings having one-sided ideal satisfying a polynomial identity, Pacific J. Math. 24 (1968), 421-424.
- Rings with polynomial constraint, Journal Indian Math. Soc. 32 (1968), 79-87. (with L.P. Belluce).
- Polynomial rings with a pivotal monomial, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 17 (1966), 942-945.
- A remark on primitive rings with J-pivotal monomial, Journal Math. Sc. 1 (1966), 59-61.(with L.P. Belluce).
- Generalized commutative rings, Nagoya Math. Journal, 27 (1966), 1-5. (with I.N. Herstein and L.P. Belluce).
- Rings with constraints (Expository), The Math. Student 34 (1966), 174-178.
- On unitary and p -unitary rings, Publications mathe-maticae, Debrecen (1964), 241-244.
- First Course in Group Theory, Halsted Press, John Wiley, N.Y. (1972)
- First Course in Rings and Fields, Halsted Press, John Wiley, N.Y. (1977)
- First Course in Linear Algebra, Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. (1983). Reprinted by New Age Press, India (1995)
- Basic Abstract Algebra, *Second Revised Edition, Cambridge University Press, London-New York, 1994. (with P.B. Bhattacharya and S.R. Nagpaul) *First Edition, 1986 and Reprinted 1989.
- Ring Theory (Edited), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, v. 25, Marcel Dekker, N.Y. (1977).
- Noncommutative Ring Theory (Edited), Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 1448, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin- New York, (1990). (with S.R. Lopez-Permouth) .
- Ring Theory (Edited), World Scientific Press, N.J.,(1993). (with S.T. Rizvi).
- Applied Abstract Algebra (Edited), Center for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi (1996).
- Advances in Ring Theory (Edited),Birkhauser (1997). (with S.T. Rizvi)
- Algebra and its Applications, Contemporary Mathematics 259(2000) (coedited with D. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Linear Algebra: An Interactive Approach, Brooks/Cole (2003). (with A.D. Gunawardena)
- Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra, Brooks/Cole (2005). (with S.R. Nagpaul)
- Algebra and its Applications, Contemporary Mathematics 419 (2006) (coedited with D. Huynh and S.R. Lopez-Permouth).
- Noncommutative Rings, Group Rings, Diagram Algebras and their Applications, Contemporary Mathematics (2008) (coedited with S. Parvathi).