Executive Power and Politics
Ohio University faculty offer a broad range of expertise on power and politics within modern nation-states in East Asia, Europe, and the United States. Their findings emphasize the power of the presidency (and its limits) in the United States, the shift from empires and dictatorships to democracies and international cooperation in modern Europe, and comparisons of both to modern Japan. Power and politics also offers crucial perspectives on societal and cultural shifts in the 20th and 21st centuries that allow us to consider political culture more holistically.
More detailed information can be found on the faculty biography pages.
Dr. Aimee Edmondson, Associate Professor in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, specializes in media law, computer-assisted reporting, and the media?s reporting on race, class, and gender since the Civil Rights era.
Dr. Katherine Jellison, Professor and Chair of History, received her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa, where she studied with one of the pioneers in the field of U.S. women?s history, Linda K. Kerber.
Dr. Kevin Mattson, Connor Study Professor of Contemporary History, teaches American cultural and intellectual history, including courses on 20th century ideas, cultural rebellion, popular culture, and film.
Dr. Paul C. Milazzo, Associate Professor of History, specializes in 20th century American history.
Dr. James (Jim) Mosher, Associate Professor of Political Science, specializes in West European politics, comparative political economy and international political economy.
Dr. Robin D. Muhammad, Associate Professor and Chair of African American Studies, studies labor history and the experiences of African American industrial workers in 20th century America.
Dr. Chester J. Pach, Jr., Associate Professor of History, specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations and recent U.S. history. His research has focused on U.S. involvement in the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as the Eisenhower, Johnson, and Reagan presidencies.
Dr. Takaaki Suzuki, Director of East Asian Studies and Associate Professor of Political Science, works primarily in the field of International Relations and Comparative Politics.
Dr. Jacqueline Wolf specializes in the history of medicine, specifically the history of women's and children's health and medicine, the history of public health, and the history of biomedical ethics.