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Math Placement FAQs

Why is the math placement level important?

All Ohio University students with a High School GPA (HSGPA) and/or ACT/SAT score have a math placement level automatically assigned to them. That placement is calculated based on a measure of the likelihood of a student's success in a course at a given level and is the most valid measure of success available.

The Placement Level determines the student’s initial math course unless the University’s Quantitative Reasoning requirement has been satisfied by transfer or Advanced Placement credit.

Students without a High School GPA, ACT or SAT score, Advanced Placement credit, or a transferable math course must take the "No Placement Placement Test" on Canvas. Please contact to arrange this.

Math placement is sometimes used for courses in departments other than Mathematics, and the levels are often referred to as “DV” or “PL” followed by a number.

Who should take the placement test?

Ohio University recommends that all students with a Developmental Math Placement (DV) first consider enrolling in a PL1-level course with the co-requisite "L" course option rather than taking the placement test.

The calculated math placement score is the most valid measure of your likelihood of success. It is based on analysis of thousands of Ohio University students just like you and their success in quantitative courses. This placement level results from a combination of HSGPA and ACT/SAT together, or individually and awards the student the most favorable placement based on available data.

Ohio University's math placement formula is designed to bet on the student's success in a math course using tutoring, supplemental instruction and/or co-requisite "L" course options.

Occasionally there are special circumstances in which students may either not have a high school GPA or ACT/SAT test and would need to take a placement test to determine a placement. It may also be that circumstances not reflected in HSGPA or ACT/SAT merit a placement test to challenge the calculated score.

The student’s OHIO academic advisor is often the best resource for determining if a student needs to use the Math Placement Test.

Note: If you already have credit for an Ohio University math course, you are not eligible to take the Math Placement Test. The Math Placement Test is an initial placement test only.

Do I need to take the math placement test?

For most students, the answer is "no."

Please talk with your academic advisor.

If you are transferring in credit, or if you have any questions, please check with an academic advisor to see how that transferred credit may impact your placement into a quantitative course at Ohio University.

How do I take the math placement test?

If you:

  • Do not have a calculated placement score, or
  • Do not have credit for an Ohio University math course, or
  • After discussing your placement with your advisor you have sufficient cause to believe that your calculated placement isn't correct, then you should take the Math Placement Test. Contact to arrange to take the test.
Does the math placement test have a time limit?

We recommend allowing 60 minutes to take the Canvas Math Placement Test. Students must complete the test in one sitting. If you are taking the PL3 Math Placement Test, your test will be proctored and you will have exactly 60 minutes to take the test unless you have University-approved accommodations that allow otherwise.

How many attempts do I get?

Two. But you should allow at least 48 hours between attempts to give yourself the best chance of success.

What may I use during the test?

The Canvas Math Placement Test is designed to not need a calculator, though its use is permitted. Additionally, we recommend having blank scratch paper and a writing utensil for scratch work. In proctored settings, the scratch paper will be collected and destroyed at the end of your session.

What accessibility features does the Canvas math placement test have?

The Canvas math placement test is screen-reader friendly.

I took the math placement test. How do I know what my new placement level Is?

Students taking the Canvas Math Placement exam will be advised of the required score when they log in to the test. At the end of the test, students will receive their score. Allow at least two to three business days for your score to be updated.

Note: Students wishing to receive a PL3 placement must take their test in an approved proctored setting.

How will I know when my placement is uploaded and available for me to use for class registration?

To confirm your placement, refresh your DARS, then look under Placements on page 1.

I took the math placement test, but I did not receive the score I was hoping for. Now what?

The Canvas Math Placement Test allows two attempts. Students should give themselves at least 48 hours between attempts and complete their test when they are rested.

I took the math placement test, and I am satisfied with my score. What’s next?

If you are a new student or transfer student, your orientation staff at your campus will help advise you into you a great schedule. If you are a current Ohio University student who has never taken a math class at Ohio University, contact your advisor to ensure that you enroll in the most appropriate math course for your major. The choice of the course in which you should enroll (if any) depends on your major, University Catalog of Entry, and Math Placement Level. Be sure to discuss all course selections with your academic advisor, whether you are a new student at orientation or are a current student.

I am having trouble logging into my math placement test, or I still have more questions about the math placement test. Who can I contact for help?

If you are having any technical difficulties or have further questions, please contact Additionally, your academic advisor may be able to help you.

Information about a proctored placement level 3 test.

Only students taking the PL3 Math Placement test (those who have a calculated PL2 placement or those who took the No Placement Placement test and scored 19-24 correct) need to take the test in an approved proctored environment. Ohio University campuses have approved testing centers for this purpose.

Contact to arrange this. Un-proctored testing is appropriate for all other Math Placement Tests (PL1, PL2, and NoPL).