Beth Quitslund

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Ph.D. in English, University of California, Berkeley, 1997
A.B. in History & Literature, Harvard College, 1991
Scholarly Focus
I am currently working on an edition of the King James Bible for the Oxford University Study Bible series as well as new scholarship on the relationship between the Book of Common Prayer and English sermons from 1540 to 1660. Other areas of interest include metrical psalms, Milton, Spenser, early modern books and printing, and musical settings of early modern poetry.
Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
The Whole Book of Psalms: A Critical Edition of the Texts and Tunes (opens in a new window). 2 vols. Ed. with Nicholas Temperley. Renaissance English Text Society 36. Tempe, AZ: ACMRS, 2018.
The Reformation in Rhyme: Sternhold, Hopkins and the English Metrical Psalter, 1547–1603. St Andrew’s Studies in Reformation History. Ashgate, 2008.
Selected Essays
“Continuous Sellers and Their Buyers: A Brief Survey of Unknowns.” New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, VI: Papers of the Renaissance Text Society, 2011–16. Ed. Arthur Marotti. Tempe, AZ: ACMRS, (dated 2019; published 2020).
"'Without pity heare their dying grones”: Metrical Psalms and the Poetry of Sacred Violence.” Religion and Literature 49.3 (dated 2017; published 2019).
“‘A Second Bible’: Liturgy and Interpretation in the Expositions of John Boys.” Reformation 23.1 (2018).
Reprinted in Scholarship, Sacrifice and Subjectivity: The Renaissance Bible Today. Hannah Crawforth and Russ Leo, eds. Routledge, 2021.
“Protestant Theology and Devotion.” Edmund Spenser in Context. Ed. Andrew Escobedo. Cambridge UP, 2016.
“Old Wine in New Boxes: Niche Bibles and the King James Version.” The King James Bible, Across Centuries, Across Borders. Ed. Angelica Duran. Dusquesne UP, 2014.
“The Psalm Book.” The Elizabethan Top Ten: defining print popularity in the early modern period. Andrew Kesson and Emma Smith, eds. Ashgate, 2013.
“The Singing Psalms: Fun and Prophet.” Private and Household Devotion in Early Modern Britain. Alec Ryrie and Jessica Martin, eds. Ashgate, 2012.
Selected Awards and Fellowships
Konneker Fund for Learning and Discovery Grant for Reimagining OHIO’s General Education Program: Implementation & Assessment, Ohio University Foundation; co-investigator, 2020-22.
Mid-Atlantic Conference Academic Leadership Development Program Fellowship, 2017–18
Ohio University Chapman/Clapp Outstanding Advisor Award, 2015
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship Grant, Calvin College, 2012–13
Folger Shakespeare Library Short-term Fellowship, 2010
Courses Taught
- ENG 2020: Introduction to Poetry and Drama
- ENG 2510: British Literature I
- ENG 3120: English Literature 1500 to 1650
- ENG 3010: Shakespeare
- ENG 4600: Choose Your Capstone Literature
- ENG 4640: Milton
- ENG 6130: Topics in Early Modern British Literature (including Devotional Literature)
- ENG 6170/7170: Topics in Milton (including Paradise Lost and Its Fantastic Legacy)