Aaron Schwartz

Ph.D. coursework, Intended Field of Study: Instructional Technology 4 Hours Completed – EDCT 6031 – Advanced Topics in Instructional Design four hours currently enrolled -- EDCT7900 – Advanced Seminar in Instructional Technology
M.A., Bowling Green State University, 2005. Major: Teaching English as a Second Language
B.A., Ohio University, 2000. Major: English: Creative Writing Supporting Areas of Emphasis: History
Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions
Academic - Post-Secondary
Lecturer / Technology Coordinator, Ohio Program of Intensive English. (Aug. 20, 2008 - Present).
Professional Memberships
Board Member / Webmaster, Ohio TESOL. (October 2016 - Present).
Chair-elect, chair, past chair, Computer Assisted Language Learning Interest Section - TESOL. (April 2013 – April 2016).
Ohio TESOL. (2008 - Present).
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (2003 - Present).
Development Activities Attended
Conference Attendance, “Ohio TESOL Conference,” Ohio TESOL, Columbus, Ohio. (Oct. 7, 2016).
Conference Attendance, "OHIO CALL Conference," OHIO Linguistics Department / Ohio TESOL, Athens, Ohio. (March 25, 2016).
Online Professional Development, "Minecraft MOOC," Electronic Village Online (EVO), NA, NA, NA. (Jan. 10, 2016 - February 15, 2016).
Guest Speaker, "Giving feedback to L2 writers," OU Linguistics Dept, Athens, Ohio. (Nov. 6, 2015).
OPIE Brown Bag, "Flexible Teaching Materials," OPIE, Athens, OH. (Nov. 4, 2015).
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Seminar, "Encryption," Ohio University Office of Information Technology (OIT), Athens, Ohio. (Oct. 29, 2015).
Workshop, "CEA Accreditation Workshop," Commission on English Language Program Acreditation, Athens, Ohio. (Oct. 28, 2015).
Brown Bag Talk, "Moodle Tips and Tricks," OPIE (Ohio Program of Intensive English), Athens, Ohio. (Sept. 30, 2015).
Workshop, "Arts and Sciences Promotion Workshops," Ohio University College of Arts and Sciences, Athens, OH. (August 17, 2015 - Aug. 19, 2015).
Conference Attendance, "OHIO CALL Conference," OHIO Linguistics Department / Ohio TESOL, Athens, Ohio. (April 3, 2015).
Workshop, "UCIEP Associate Directors' Meeting at TESOL," UCIEP (University and College Intensive English Programs), Toronto, ON, Canada. (March 27, 2015).
Conference Attendance, "TESOL 2015," TESOL International, Toronto, ON, Canada. (March 25, 2015 - March 27, 2015).
Seminar, "Security Seminar -- Special Topic: Password Security, (October 20, 2014)," Ohio University Office of Information Technology (OIT), Athens, OH. (Oct. 20, 2014).
Online Conference (with live chat), "Gaming and Gamification: a Win-win for language learning," TESOL and IATEFL, Online. (June 14, 2014).
Conference Attendance, "CALICO 2014," Computer Assisted Language Learning Consortium, Athens, OH, USA. (May 6, 2014 - May 10, 2014).
Conference Attendance, "2014 Ohio University CALL Conference," OHIO Department of LInguistics / Ohio TESOL, Athens, OH. (April 11, 2014).
Conference Attendance, "TESOL 2014," TESOL, Portland, OR, USA. (March 26, 2014 - March 30, 2014).
Conference Attendance, "Exploring Learning Technologies Unconference (ELTU) 4," Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (Oct. 11, 2011).
Conference Attendance, "conference of the ohio university linguistics department COULD," OU Linguistics Department, Athens, Ohio, USA. (May 7, 2011).
Workshop, "OPIE Faculty InService," OPIE, Athens, OH, USA. (May 6, 2011).
Conference Attendance, "OHIO Call Conference," OHIO Linguistcs Department / Ohio TESOL, Athens, Ohio, 45701. (April 22, 2011).
Conference Attendance, "TESOL," TESOL, New Orleans, LA, USA. (March 17, 2011 - March 20, 2011).
Teaching Experience
Ohio University
COMS 1030, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, five courses. COMS 103140, Oral Communication, one course. COMS 103A31, Oral Communication, one course. ENG 1510, Writing and Rhetoric I, one course.
LING 4510, Computers in Language Teaching I, two courses. LING 5510, Computer Assisted Language Learning I, two courses. OPIE, Public Speaking - Chubu Support, five courses. OPIE 21, Elementary Core Skills, one course. OPIE 27100, Intermediate Listening and Speaking, one course. OPIE 27101, Intermediate Listening and Speaking, one course. OPIE 33, 3 Acad List Note-taking Speaking B, seven courses. OPIE 33100, Academic Listening Notetaking and Speaking, one course. OPIE 33A06, Academic Listening Notetaking and Speaking B, one course. OPIE 33A07, Academic Listening Notetaking and Speaking B, one course. OPIE 500D, Advanced Core Skills, one course. OPIE 51100, Academic Core Skills 1, one course. OPIE 600d, Pre-Academic Core skills, one course. OPIE 61, Academic Core Skills 3, four courses. OPIE 65, Composition, one course. OPIE 65101, Composition 149a, one course. OPIE 701, Academic List Note-Taking Speaking A, one course. OPIE 701104, Academic L/N/S, one course. OPIE 701105, Academic L/N/S, one course. OPIE 702D, Academic Reading Skills Bridge, one course. OPIE 970D, Acad Core Skills 2 - Business, 2 courses. OPIE 970d, Academic Core Skills 2, one course. OPIE 980d, Academic Core Skills 3, one course. OPIE D806, Techniques for Gathering and Evaluating Research Information, one course.
Non-Credit Instruction
Special Exchange Program, Proyecta 100000 (Mexican Government), 16 participants. (Nov. 10, 2014 - Dec. 5, 2014).
Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 18 participants. (August 5, 2014). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 16 participants. (July 30, 2014). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 24 participants. (July 28, 2014). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 30 participants. (August 8, 2013). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 30 participants. (Aug. 7, 2013). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 30 participants. (August 5, 2013). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 30 participants. (July 30, 2012). Professional Training, IEE Fulbright, 30 participants. (July 27, 2012).
Awards and Honors
Associate Lecturer Promotion, Ohio University. (Feb. 25, 2016).
Presentations Given
Butler, K. P. (Presenter & Author), Coffelt, E., Reshad, A., Schwartz, A., TESOL 2016, "BYOD in an IEP: Beyond Borders of Conventional Classroom Technology," TESOL International, Baltimore, MD. (April 7, 2016).
Johannes A., Hounshell A. Leternoux E., Reshad, A. (Panelists), and Schwartz, A. (Moderator). Ohio CALL Conference, “Adapting IEP Courses for Online Instruction: Where we Stand.” Athens, Ohio. (March 25, 2016)
Schwartz, A., OPIE Brown Bag, "Moodle Tips and Tricks," Ohio Program of Intensive English, Ohio University. (Sept. 30, 2015).
Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Bowman, A. (Presenter & Author), Siskin, C., Healey, D., TESOL, "Hot Topics: Managing the Darker Side of Classroom Technology," TESOL, Toronto, ON. (March 28, 2015).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Coffelt, L. (Presenter & Author), Hendrickx, J. (Presenter & Author), Ohio CALL Conference, "The Holodeck Classroom: An Immersive Context for ESL," Athens, Ohio. (April 11, 2014).
Reshad, A. (Presenter Only), Schwartz, A. (Presenter Only), Ohio CALL Conference, "Unwrapping the Gift Format," Ohio TESOL, Ohio Univeristy, Athens. (April 11, 2014).
Johannes, A. (Presenter Only), Coffelt, E. (Presenter Only), Reshad, A. (Presenter Only), Distasio, C. (Presenter Only), Schwartz, A. (Presenter Only), International TESOL Convention 2014, "Exploring Technology Solutions Across the IEP Campus and Curriculum," TESOL, Portland, Oregon. (March 29, 2014).
Schwartz, A. (Presenter Only), D. D. E. (Presenter Only), D. S. W. (Presenter Only), R. W. (Presenter Only), K. C. (Presenter Only), TESOL 2014, "Emerging Technologies: Managing a changing landscape with mobile technologies," TESOL International, Portland, OR. (March 29, 2014).
Schwartz, A. (Presenter Only), International TESOL Convention 2014, "Experiences Integrating Mobile Learning in Language Classrooms Around the Globe," TESOL, Portland, OR. (March 28, 2014).
Schwartz, A., S. S., TESOL 2013, "iPads: Challenges and Solutions," TESOL International, Dallas, Texas. (March 23, 2013).
Coffelt, E. (Presenter Only), Schwartz, A. (Presenter Only), Ohio TESOL 2012, "Teaching American Culture with VoiceThread," Ohio TESOL, Columbus, Ohio. (Nov. 9, 2012).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Hendrickx, J. (Author Only), OU CALL Conference, "Speed Reading Applications for Computers and Mobile Devices: Unleashing the Power of "Chunking" as a Reading Strategy," OHIO Linguistics Department, Athens, Ohio. (April 22, 2011).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), McGee, E. (Presenter Only), OU CALL Conference, "Vocabulary in the Cloud," OHIO Linguistics Department, Athens, Ohio. (April 22, 2011).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), McGee, E. (Presenter Only), OU CALL Conference, "Vocabulary in the Cloud," OHIO Linguistics Department, Athens, Ohio. (April 22, 2011).
Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Plath, K. (Presenter & Author), Schwenk, B. (Presenter & Author), Ohio University CALL Conference, "Digital Video Workshop," Ohio TESOL, OHIO Linguistics Department, Baker Center, Ohio University. (March 2011).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Coffelt, E. (Presenter & Author), International TESOL Conference, "Practical Digital Video Applications (Workshop)," New Orleans, LA. (March 17, 2011).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), Hendrickx, J. (Author Only), International TESOL Conference, "Speed Reading Applications for Computers and Mobile Devices: Unleashing the Power of "Chunking" as a Reading Strategy," New Orleans, LA. (March 17, 2011).
Reshad, A. (Presenter & Author), Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), McGee, E. (Presenter Only), International TESOL Conference, "Vocabulary in the Cloud," New Orleans, LA. (March 17, 2011).
Schwartz, A. (Presenter & Author), TESOL 2010 Electronic Village, "Google Spreadsheets and ProVoc for Group Vocabulary Projects," TESOL, Boston. (March 2010).
Intellectual Contributions in Submission Book Chapters
Kessler, G., Hendrickx, J., Reshad, A., Schwartz, A. In P. Hubbard & S. Iannou-Georgiou (Ed.),
Reflections on the Virtual Boardroom: Business Presentations in the Holodeck. In (Eds). Teaching English Reflectively with Technology.. Alexandria, VA: IATEFL & TESOL Publications.
Department Service
Co-Director, Language Resource Center. (September 2016 - Present). Committee Member, Online Curriculum Development Team. (January 2015 - Present). Student Placement, OPIE Placement Team. (Aug. 5, 2011 - Present). Technology and Computer Coordinator, CALL Coordinator. (Sept. 1, 2009 - Present). Committee Member, OPIE Curriculum Committee. (Sept. 1, 2009 - Present). Committee Member, TGERI Team. (March 9, 2015 - March 9, 2016). Guest Speaker, CALL and Grammar Instruction. (Nov. 19, 2015).
Faculty Mentor, OPIE / Linguistics. (Jan. 1, 2014 - Dec. 12, 2014). Faculty Advisor, Computer Club. (Oct. 10, 2013 - Sept. 10, 2014). Committee Member, Advanced Level Coordinator - OPIE. (June 1, 2013 - Sept. 1, 2014).
College Service
Assistant Director, Fulbright 2014 Summer Program. (July 23, 2016 - Aug. 13, 2016).
Assistant Director, Fulbright 2016 Summer Program. (July 18, 2014 - Aug. 9, 2014).
University Service
Attendee, Meeting, Mac Managers Group. (January 2011 - Present).
Professional Service
Reviewer, Conference Paper, TESOL, Na, NA. (April 20, 2013 - Present).
Electronic Village Manager, TESOL, Boston (2011), Philadelphia (2012), Dallas (2013). (March 1, 2011 - Present).
Committee Chair, TESOL CALL-IS (Computer Assisted Language Learning Interest Section) Steering Committee, NA, NA. (March 16, 2010 - Present).
Moderator (of online discussions), Electronic Village Onilne, NA, NA. (Jan. 10, 2016 - Feb. 15, 2016).
Public Service
Member, Athens Fermentation Club, Athens, Ohio. (September 2014 - Present). Volunteer, Nelsonville Music Festival, Nelsonville, Ohio. (May 2009 - Present).
Academic, Fulbright Graduate Summer Program, Athens, Ohio. (May 19, 2014 - Aug. 9, 2014). Academic, Fulbright Graduate Summer Program, Athens, Ohio. (July 30, 2013 - August 8, 2013). Academic, Fulbright Graduate Summer Program, Athens, Ohio. (July 5, 2012 - Aug. 11, 2012). Government, U.S. State Department, NA. (Jan. 1, 2012 - July 29, 2012).