Samantha Imperi
Graduate Student
Ellis 354, Athens Campus
Doctoral Student, Concentration in Creative Writing
MFA in Poetry, NEOMFA Program, The University of Akron graduated 2023
“To my daughter, on sexual education.” The Great Lakes Review, online, June 22, 2023.
"To my son, on consent.” The Great Lakes Review, online, June 22, 2023.
“Shake.” The Festival Review, digital edition, April 28, 2023.
“Woman-Bird.” The Blood Pudding, online, January 1, 2023.
“To my child, on God.” The Dewdrop, online, October 16, 2022.
“To my daughter, on shaving.” Lighthouse Weekly, online, August 30, 2022.
“Siren Longs for Companionship.” Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Issue 14, May 2021.