Nancy Tatarek

Nancy-Tatarek, portrait
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Bentley Annex 149
Latin American Studies
email address
phone number 740-593-1378

Recent News (opens in a new window)

Teaching Awards

University Professor 2008-09

Grasselli Brown Faculty Teaching Award 2004-05


Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1999

Research & Specialization

  • Biological Anthropology
  • Skeletal Biology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Stature
  • Anthropometric History
  • Aging
  • Spinal Neural Canal
  • Spinal Stenosis

Courses Taught

  • ANTH 2010: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
  • ANTH 3460: Human Osteology
  • ANTH 3550: Medical Anthropology
  • ANTH 4470: Forensic Anthropology
  • ANTH 4480: Bones, Blood, & Violence

Selected Publications

Tatarek, Nancy E. 2006. "Geographical Height Variation in Ohio Convicts Born 1780-1849. Economic and Human Biology 4(2), 222-236.

KL Opel, DT Chung, J Drabek, NE Tatarek, LM Jantz, BR McCord. 2006. "The Application of Miniplex Primer Sets in the Analysis of Degraded DNA from Human Skeletal Remains." Journal of Forensic Sciences 51(2), 351-356.

Tatarek, Nancy E. 2005. “Variation in the human cervical neural canal." The Spine Journal: 5: 623-631.

BR McCord, KL Opel, DT Chung, J Drabek, NE Tatarek, LM Jantz, J Butler. 2005. “The Development of Miniplex Primer Sets for the Analysis of Degraded DNA.” Proc SPIE: 5778, 617-25.

Tatarek, Nancy E. and Sciulli, Paul W. 2005. “Estimation of Sex, Race and Stature From the Lower Extremity.” In Forensic Pathology of the Lower Extremity. Edited by Rich, Jeremy, Dorothy Dean, and Robert Powers. The Humana Press, Inc.

Tatarek, Nancy E. and Dean, Dorothy E. 2005. “Anatomy of the Lower Extremity.” in Forensic Pathology of the Lower Extremity. Edited by Rich, Jeremy; Dean, Dorothy and Powers, Robert. September, 2003. The Humana Press, Inc.

Dean, Dorothy; Tatarek, Nancy E.; Rich, Jeremy; Powers, Robert; Brogdon, B.G.; and Lewis, Bradley. 2004. “Undefeated by Surgery: The Utility of Post-Surgical Foot and Ankle Radiographs as a Basis for Identification: Focus on the Ankle.” Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, April 2004.

Sciulli, Paul W., Lease, Loren R., Brown, Boyd P., Tatarek, Nancy E. 2003. “A Preliminary Investigation of Population Dynamics of the Upper Ohio Valley: AD 1200-1650.” Archaeology of Eastern North America (2003) 31:1-14.

Rich, Jeremy; Tatarek, Nancy; Powers, Robert; Brogdon, BG; Lewis, Bradley; and Dean, Dorothy. 2002. “Using Pre- and Post-Surgical Foot and Ankle Radiographs for Identification.” Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 47, No. 6.

Tatarek, Nancy E. and Sciulli, Paul W. 2000. “Comparisons of population structure in Ohio’s Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric periods.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology:112: 363-76.