Talinn Phillips

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Ph.D., English (Rhetoric and Composition), Ohio University, 2008
M.A., TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Ohio University, 2002
B.S.W., Social Work, Kentucky Christian College, 1999
Scholarly Focus
- Second language writing
- Graduate student writing
- Graduate education
- Lifespan writing research
- Genre
- Writing for publication
- Writing program administration
- Writing centers
Improvisations: Methods & Methodologies in Lifespan Writing Research. (with Ryan J. Dippre). The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado, 2024. Available: https://wac.colostate.edu/books/perspectives/improvisations/ (opens in a new window)
“Radically Longitudinal, Radically Contextual: The Lifespan as a Focus for Longitudinal Writing Research.” (with R. Dippre) Telling Stories: Perspectives on Longitudinal Writing Research. Ed. Amy Kimme Hea and Jenn Fishman. Utah State University Press, 2023. 150-166.
“Like I’m ‘The Man:’ Identifying Key Factors in Graduate Student Administrative Success.” (with P. Shovlin & M. Titus) Graduate Students at Work: Exploited Scholars of Neoliberal America. Ed. Tessa Brown. University Press of Kansas, 2023. 60-85.
Supporting the Growth of Graduate Writers: A Film (with R. Ryerson) University of Michigan Press, 2022. 83 mins. Available: https://www.press.umich.edu/12391573/supporting_the_growth_of_graduate_writers (opens in a new window)
“Language as “System D”: Implications for Teachers & Researchers.” The Expanding Universe of Writing Studies: Higher Education Writing Research. Ed. Kelly Blewett, Tiane Donahue, Cynthia Monroe. Peter Lang, 2021. 231-236.
"Approaches to Lifespan Writing Research: Generating an Actionable Coherence" (opens in a new window) (with Ryan J. Dippre). The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado, 2020.
Teaching with a Global Perspective: Practical Strategies from Course Design to Assessment (opens in a new window) (with D. Bikowski) New York: Routledge, 2018. Also released as Enseñar con Perspectiva Global e Inclusiva: Estrategias Prácticas para el Diseño y la Evaluacíon by Narcea S.A. de Ediciones, 2019.
“An Exercise in Cognitive Dissonance: Liminal WPAs in Transition.” (with P. Shovlin & M. Titus) WPAs in Transition, edited by Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, & Brian Ray. Utah State UP, 2018.
Becoming an Ally: Tutoring Multilingual Writers (with R. Ryerson & C. Stewart) educational film, Ohio University, 2017.
“Shifting Supports for Shifting Identities: Meeting the Needs of Multilingual Graduate Writers.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 14.3, (2017): 41-48.
“(Re)Identifying the gWPA Experience.” (with P. Shovlin & M. Titus) WPA: Writing Program Administration, 40.1, (2016): 67-89.
Supporting Graduate Student Writers: Research, Curriculum, and Program Design (with Steve Simpson, Nigel Caplan, & Michelle Cox, co-editors) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016.
“Writing Center Support for Graduate Students: An Integrated Model.” Supporting Graduate Student Writers: Research, Curriculum, and Program Design. Ed. Steve Simpson, Nigel Caplan, Michelle Cox, and Talinn Phillips. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016. 255-70.
“Thinking Liminally: Exploring the (com)Promising Positions of the Liminal WPA.” (with P. Shovlin & M. Titus) WPA: Writing Program Administration, 38.1 (2014): 42-63.
“Developing Resources for Success: A Case Study of a Multilingual Graduate Writer [PDF] (opens in a new window).” WAC and Second Language Writers: Research Towards Linguistically and Culturally Inclusive Programs and Practices. Ed. Michelle Cox and Terry Myers Zawacki. West Lafayette: Parlor, 2014. 69-91.
“Tutor Training and Services for Multilingual Graduate Writers: A Reconsideration (opens in a new window).” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. 10.2 (2013): n.p.
“Graduate Writing Groups: Shaping Writing & Writers from Student to Scholar (opens in a new window).” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 10.1 (2012): n.p.
“A Review of Second Language Writing Research: Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction.” TESOL Quarterly 42.1 (2008): 165-67.
“Tutoring L2 Graduate Writers: Sites for Calibration.” SLWIS News: The Newsletter of TESOL’s Second Language Writing Interest Section 3.1 (2008).
“When Graduate Student Meets Writing Center.” HEIS News: The Newsletter of TESOL’s ESL in Higher Education Interest Section. 26.2 (2007): 19-20.
“Geography Lessons, Bridge Building, and Second Language Writers.” (with C. Stewart and R. Stewart) Bridging the Disciplinary Divide: Integrating a Second-Language Perspective into Writing Programs. Spec. issue of WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (2006): 83-100. Indexed in The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing (opens in a new window).
Courses Taught
- ENG 150A: Developmental Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
- ENG 1510: Writing and Rhetoric I
- ENG 3060J: Women and Writing
- ENG 3030J: Writing and Rhetoric in the Professions
- ENG 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II
- ENG 3820: Writing About Genre
- ENG 3850: Writing About Culture
- ENG 3870C: Composing for the Community
- ENG 5990: Major Rhetorical Theories & the Teaching of Composition
- ENG 7560: Rhetorical Traditions & Theories
- ENG 7590: Research Methods in Rhetoric & Composition
- ENG 7800: Mapping the Field of Second Language Writing
- ENG 7800: Writing for Publication
- ENG 7810: Professional Issues in Teaching College English
- LING 270: The Nature of Language