Jeremy W. Webster

Jeremy W. Webster, portrait
Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Ellis 371, Athens Campus
email address
phone number 740-593-2801


Ph. D. in English, University of Tennessee, 1999

M. A. in English, Texas A&M University, 1994

B. A. in History, Summa Cum Laude, Texas A&M University, 1992

Scholarly Focus

  • Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature
  • Literature and Health
  • Satire



Performing Libertinism in the Court of Charles II: Politics, Drama, and Sexuality (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)

Literary Culture: Reading and Writing Literary Arguments. Gen. Ed. Linda L. Bensel-Meyers. Eds. Susan Giesemann North and Jeremy W. Webster (Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1999) 

Articles and Book Chapters

“Han Leia Shot First: Transmedia Storytelling and the National Public Radio Dramatization of Star Wars,” Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling, Eds. D.A. Hassler-Forest and Sean A. Guynes, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. 49-59. 

“Rewriting Shylock: Thomas Holcroft, Semitic Discourse, and Anti-Semitism on the English Stage.” Re-Viewing Thomas Holcroft, 1745-1809: Essays on Thomas Holcroft’s Work and Life. Eds. Arnold Markley and Miriam Wallace. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. 71-85.

“In and Out of the Bed-chamber: Staging Libertine Desire in Restoration Comedy,” Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies 12.2 (2012): 77-96.

“Queering the Seventeenth Century: Historicism, Queer Theory, and Early Modern Literature,” Literature Compass 5.2 (2008): 376-393.

“The ‘Lustful Buggering Jew’: Anti-Semitism, Gender, and Sodomy in Restoration Political Satire,” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 6.1 (2006): 106-124.

“Teaching Pamela and the History of Sexuality.” Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Samuel Richardson. Eds. Jocelyn Harris and Lisa Zunshine. New York: MLA, 2006.  56-62.

“Rochester’s Easy King: Rereading the (Sexual) Politics of the Scepter Lampoon,” English Language Notes 42.4 (June 2005): 1-19. Rpt. in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Vol. 140 (Detroit: Gale, 2008): 301-309. 

“Sentimentalizing Patriarchy: Patriarchal Anxiety and Filial Obligation in Sir Charles Grandison,” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 17.3 (April 2005): 425-442. 



  • ENG 1510: Writing and Rhetoric I
  • ENG 2200: Introduction to Literature and Medicine
  • ENG 3060J: Women and Writing
  • ENG 3070J: Writing and Research in English Studies
  • ENG 3130: English Literature: 1660-1800
  • ENG 3260: Lesbian and Gay Literature
  • WGSS 4900: Special Topics in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Queering/ing Leadership)


Topics have included Patriarchy and Restoration Literature; Historicizing Gender and Sexuality in British Literature, 1660-1750; God and Sex in English Literature, 1660-1750; Unnatural Affections in the Age of Sensibility; and WGSS 5900: Queer/ing Leadership.