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Students in the aviation program can complete their bachelor's degree requirements under either of two options: flight or aviation management. A two-year A.A.S. degree in aviation technology is also available at Ohio University.
The flight option meets the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and prepares students for career opportunities in commercial aviation as FAA-certified pilots, aircrew members, and other positions in aviation-related business and industry. An aviation degree provides students with the ability to undertake roles in the national aviation system and to progress to supervisory and managerial positions with necessary leadership and human relations skills. Additionally, this educational background gives graduates the broad knowledge base, perspective, and flexibility to compete in the increasingly technical and automated environment of aviation.
Flight option students are expected to complete all flight course requirements in one quarter. However, in extenuating circumstances (bad weather, etc.) students can, with permission, carry over completion of the course in the following quarter. If you do not complete the requirements in the second quarter, you may be automatically dropped from the program.
Students must maintain a 2.0 overall g.p.a. to enroll in flight courses. Flight option majors must receive a grade of at least a C- (70%)in AVN 110, AVN 310, AVN 350, and AVN 440. It is possible to substitute elective courses in the curriculum as long as you maintain the minimum total credits for that subject area and obtain prior approval in writing from the department/college.
Flight option majors must take AVN 400, AVN 420, AVN 430, AVN 445, and AVN 455 at Ohio University.
ENG 151 Freshman Comp. (1E) 5 or ENG 152 or 153 PSY 101 General Psychology (2S) 5 INCO 101 Fundamentals of Human Communication (2H) 4 INCO 103 Fund. of Public Speaking 4 ENG 305J Technical Writing (1J) 4
Choose a minimum of 8 hours from the classes below
ECON 103 Microeconomics (2S) 4 ECON 104 Macroeconomics (2S) 4 POLS 101 American National Government (2S) 4 GEOG 121 Human Geography (2S) 4
Choose a minimum of 4 hours from the classes below
INCO 205 Group Discussion 4 INCO 206 Comm. in Interpersonal Relationships 4 INCO 342 Communication and Persuasion 4
Choose a minimum of 8 hours from the classes below
PHIL 101 Fund. of Philosophy (2-H) 5 ART 110 Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts (2H) 3 ENG 200 Intro to Literature (2H) 4
MATH 163A Calculus (2N) 4 PHYS 201 Intro to Physics (2N) 5 PSY 120 Elementary Statistics 4 GEOG 101 Elements of Physical Geography (2N) 5 GEOG 302 Meteorology 5 GEOG 304 Obs. in Meteorology and Forecasting 2Choose a minimum of 8 hours from the classes below
MATH 113 Algebra (1M) 5 PSC 100 Survey of Astronomy (2N) 4 GEOG 201 Environmental Geography (2A) 4 GEOG 405 Forecasting in Meteorology 2Choose a minimum of 5 hours from the courses belowComputer Science: 9 hours
CS 120 Computer Literacy 4
CS 220 Intro to Computing (1M) 5 CS 230 Computer Programming (2A) 5
MGT 202 Intro to Management (2S) 4 MGT 340 Organizational Behavior 4Choose a minimum of 8 hours from the College of Business courses 200 or above.
AVN 100 Intro to Aviation 4 AVN 110 Basic Aeronautics 4 AVN 300 Aviation Laws and Regulations 4 AVN 305 Aviation Weather 4 AVN 315 Aviation Safety 4 AVN 360 Natl. Airspace System 4
AVN 240 Private Pilot Flight 4 AVN 310 Adv. Aeronautics 4 AVN 320 Adv. Aircraft Systems 4 AVN 340 Cross-County Flight 4 AVN 350 Instrument Flight Systems and Procedures 4 AVN 400 Instrument Flight 4 AVN 405 Adv Cross Countries 4 AVN 420 Commercial Flight 4 AVN 430 Multi-Engine Flight 4 AVN 440 Flight Instructor Ground 4 AVN 445 Flight Instructor Flight 4 AVN 450 Instrument Instr. Ground 3 AVN 455 Instrument Instr. Flight 4 AVN 475 Aviation Internship 3 AVN 390 Airline Oper. and Mgt. 4 AVN 480 Gen. Aviation Operations and Management 4 AVN 489 Transition to Aviation Industry 2 IT 220 Aircraft Powerplants 4Choose additional electives from:
AVN 410 Fund. of Aviation for Teachers 4 AVN 435 Flight Engineer 4 AVN 462 Multi-Engine X-C 1 AVN 465 Multi-Engine Flight Instr. 2 Tier III 4Total hours required 192
Note: You must meet all University General Education
Requirements in order to graduate.
ENG 151 Freshman Comp. (1E) 5 or ENG 152 or 153 PSY 101 General Psychology (2S) 5 INCO 101 Fundamentals of Human Communication (2H) 4 INCO 103 Fund. of Public Speaking 4 ECON 103 Microeconomics (2S) 4 ECON 104 Macroeconomics (2S) 4 ENG 305J Technical Writing (1J) 4 Choose a minimum of 4 hours from the classes below INCO 205 Group Discussion 4 INCO 304 Interviewing 4 INCO 342 Communication and Persuasion 4 Choose a minimum of 4 hours from the classes below PHIL Fund. of Philosophy (2H) 5 ART 110 Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts (2H) 3 ENG 200 Intro to Literature (2H) 4
MATH 163A Calculus (2N) 4 PHYS 201 Intro to Physics (2N) 5 PSY 120 Elementary Statistics 4 GEOG 101 Elements of Physical Geography (2N) 5
Choose a minimum of 20 hours from the classes below
MATH 113 Algebra (1M) 5 PSC 100 Survey of Astronomy (2N) 4 COMT 101 Comm. Systems Mgt. (2A) 4 HLTH 202 Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices (2A) 4 GEOG 302 Meteorology 5
CS 120 Computer Literacy 4
Choose a minimum of 5 hours from the courses below
CS 220 Intro to Computing (1M) 5 CS 230 Comp. Programming (2A) 5
Tier III 4
Choose at least 23 hours of University courses to meet the 192-hour requirement (AVN 240 is recommended).
AVN 100 Intro to Aviation 4 AVN 110 Basic Aeronautics 4 AVN 300 Aviation Laws and Regulations 4 AVN 305 Aviation Weather 4 AVN 315 Aviation Safety 4 AVN 360 Natl. Airspace System 4
ACCT 101 Financial Accounting 4 ACCT 102 Managerial Accounting 4 MGT 202 Management 4 MGT 340 Organizational Behavior 4 HRM 420 Human Resource Mgt. 4 FIN 325 Managerial Finance 4 BUSL 255 Law and Society 4Choose 16 credit hours from the courses below. Note: You may not exceed 44
MGT 430 Management Systems-- Decision Making 4 BUSL 356 Law of Mgt. Process 4 ECON 305 Managerial Economics 4Choose an additional 4 credit hour College of Business course, 300 or higher.
AVN 390 Airline Oper. and Mgt. 4 AVN 480 General Aviation Oper. and Mgt. 4 AVN 475 Aviation Internship 2 AVN 489 Transition to Aviation Ind. 2 Total hours required 192
Note: You must meet all University General Education
Requirements in order to graduate.
Copyright © 2004 Ohio University. All Rights Reserved.
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/02-03/colleges/avia.htm) on March 17, 2004.
Please E-mail comments or suggestions to "ucat@www.ohiou.edu."