Karen Riggs, Director
Duncan Brown, Associate Director for Graduate Studies
Jerry Redefer, Associate Director for Undergraduate Studies
The School of Telecommunications offers programs of study leading to bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. The baccalaureate program is a professional degree program designed to prepare students for careers in all aspects of telecommunications. First-year students are allowed direct entry into sequences in audio production, video production, media management, and media studies. While there is overlap between journalism and telecommunications in broadcast news career preparation, students interested in studio and field production should enroll in the School of Telecommunications, and those interested in news writing, reporting, and anchoring should enroll in the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism.
The school also offers an Honors Tutorial Program to qualified students. (See the Honors Tutorial College section.)
The classroom and laboratory experiences of students are augmented by a variety of practical experiences,including work with the school's production unit--Athens Video Works, the All-Campus Radio Network, and the three University-owned and operated stations: WOUB-AM, WOUB-FM, and WOUB-TV. Credit for such experiences is granted through TCOM 390.
The school maintains relationships with various professional organizations including the Ohio Association of Broadcasters, the Ohio Cable Telecommunication Association, the International Radio-Television Society, the National Association of Television Program Executives, the Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS), the Audio Engineering Society, and the National Association of Broadcasters.
Ohio University's Zanesville and Southern Campuses offer an associate's degree program in electronic media, including a sequence in broadcast engineering. This program offers a smaller, more intimate setting for the first two years of University coursework. For additional information, see "Electronic Media" in the Regional Higher Education section.
Students transferring into the school must be enrolled for a minimum of one academic year (three consecutive quarters) or their final 48 hours of earned credit in order to graduate from the program.
2 Social sciences. Twenty quarter hours, with at least eight hours of 300- to 400-level courses. Courses may be chosen from anthropology, classical archaeology, economics, history, international studies, management, marketing, political science, psychology, and sociology.
3 Communication sciences.Twenty quarter hours,with at least eight hours of 300- to 400-level courses (or 200-level or above for language courses). Courses may be chosen from classical languages, computer science, communication systems management, hearing and speech sciences, interpersonal communication, journalism, linguistics, modern languages, and visual communication.
4 Mathematics and/or natural sciences. Tier I quantitative skills plus five quarter hours chosen from astronomy, biological sciences, chemistry, geology, mathematics, physical science, physics, physical geography, and environmental and plant biology.
University General Education Tier II, African American Studies, and University Professor courses can be used to fulfill general requirements. You must fulfill the Tier III requirement.
5 Telecommunications. The following core courses are required of all majors:
TCOM 100 A Mediated World 4 TCOM 110 Telecomm. Writing and Production Planning 4 TCOM 201 Media Culture, and Technology I 4 TCOM 202 Media Culture and Technology II 4 TCOM 367 World Broadcasting 4 or TCOM 453 Telecommunications Law and Regulations 4
Of special note is the required minor in music for students pursuing the music production track in the audio sequence. The music minor will count toward part of the corollary in this track.
Audio Production Core:
TCOM 220 Intro to Audio Production 4 TCOM 308 Technical Bases of Telecommunications 4
TCOM 315 Recording Industry Survey 4 TCOM 413 Commercial Music Recording and Production 4 TCOM 414 Advanced Projects in Music Production 4
TCOM 231 Short-form Media Script 4 TCOM 313 Field Audio Production 4 TCOM 314 Audio Narrative Production 4
TCOM 230 Intro to Video Production 4 TCOM 415 Audio Post-production for Moving Image 4 One or more of the following courses: TCOM 425 Digital Video Post-production TCOM 422 Narrative Production II TCOM 485 AVW Productions TCOM 497 Independent Production 4Telecommunications electives with approval of advisor, including one four-hour non-production course 4
Corollary courses outside the school that support progam goals (from no more that two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level)
Music Production track requires a Music minor. 35
Management Core:
TCOM 359 Audience Research 4 TCOM 360 Electronic Media Mgt. 4 TCOM 461 Electronic Media Financial Management 4Management Electives:
TCOM 210 Introduction to Audio/Video Production 4 TCOM 355 Broadcast and Cable Programming 4 TCOM 361 Electronic Media Marketing 4 TCOM 362 Electronic Media Sales 4 TCOM 367 World Broadcasting 4 Telecommunications electives with advisor approval 8 Corollary courses from outside the school that support program goals; ACCT 101, ECON 103 and 104, and MGT 202 or MKT 202; 20 hours at the 300-400 level in business and/or organizational communication. 35
In addition, a student can design an individualized program of study. In consultation with the sequence director and a faculty advisor, the student submits for approval a proposal for coursework including justification and corollary.
Students must complete the Media Studies Core and coursework from one of the areas of study. The following are required:
Media Studies Core:
TCOM 270 Mass Comm Theory 4 TCOM 279 History of Electronic Comm 4
TCOM 308 Technical Basis of Telecomm 4 TCOM 421 Non-broadcast Video 4 TCOM 441 Instructional Telecomm 4 TCOM 463 New Technology 4 TCOM 465 Satellite Communication 4 TCOM 466 Technology, Communication and Culture 4
TCOM 371 Effects of Mass Comm 4 TCOM 384 Media Criticism 4 TCOM 455 Media Messages for Social Change 4 TCOM 456 Southeast Asia Popular Culture 4 TCOM 463 New Technology 4 TCOM 465 Satellite Communication 4 TCOM 466 Technology, Communication and Culture 4 TCOM 484 Age, Class, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation 4
TCOM 333 Sports and Media 4 TCOM 359 Audience Research 4 TCOM 382 Television Genres 4 TCOM 384 Media Criticism 4 TCOM 440 Public Telecommunications 4 TCOM 454 Personal Values in Telecommunications 4 TCOM 466 Technology, Communication, and Culture 4 TCOM 475 Politics & Electronic Media 4 TCOM 480 Children and Television 4 TCOM 481 Women in Media 4 TCOM 482 Documentary Genres 4 TCOM 483 The African-American Televisual Images 4 TCOM 484 Age, Class, Gender, Race, and Sexual Orientation 4
TCOM 359 Audience Research 4 TCOM 371 Effects of Mass Communication 4 TCOM 424 Contemporary American Documentary 4 TCOM 455 Media Messages for Social Change 4 TCOM 463 New Technology 4 TCOM 466 Technology, Communication, and Culture 4 TCOM 475 Politics & Electronic Media 4
Telecommunications electives with advisor approval 8
Corollary courses outside the school that support program goals (from no more than two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300- to 400- level.) 35
Video Production Core:
TCOM 230 Intro to Video Production 4 TCOM 231 Short-form Scriptwriting 4 Video Production Electives (2 courses required):TCOM 308 Technical Bases of Telecommunications 4 TCOM 318 Multiple-Camera Producing and Directing 4 TCOM 319 Single-Camera Producing and Directing 4 TCOM 320 TV Lighting & Staging 4 TCOM 323 Animation and Videographic Design 4 TCOM 324 Documentary Production 4 TCOM 425 Digital Video Post-production 4 TCOM 418 Producing for Video 4 TCOM 419 Narrative Production I 4 TCOM 422 Narrative Production II 4 Telecommunications electives with approval of advisor, including at least eight hours of non-production classes 10 Suggested electives include TCOM 497 Independent Production Projects; TCOM 285 and 485 AVW; and TCOM 222 Narrative Crew. Corollary courses outside the school that support program goals (from no more than two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level) 35
Required Core Courses (12 Hours)
TCOM 110 Telecomm. Writing and Production Planning 4 TCOM 201 Media, Culture and Technology I 4 TCOM 202 Media, Culture and Technology II 4
Elective Courses (20 hours)
Select 20 hours from:
TCOM 231,270,355,360,367,371,384,421,430,431,432,453,454,463,464,465,466,475,479,481,482
Up to 8 hours in equivalent courses from other institutions will be accepted, but you must take 20 hours in telecommunications at Ohio University to complete the minor.
Total Hours: 32
No course may be counted toward more than one type of requirement. For example, a course used to meet a general requirement may not also be used to meet a sequence requirement.
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/02-03/colleges/tcom.htm) on December 16, 2002.
Please E-mail comments or suggestions to "ucat@www.ohiou.edu."