A nutrition student prepares a health meal plan.
The Applied Nutrition Major

Applied Nutrition Major

Students interested in food and nutrition sciences have multiple options of study to best meet their career path goals by choosing the Applied Nutrition major and one of the following concentrations.

Choose a Concentration

Applied Nutrition Dietetics

Applied Nutrition Environmental Nutrition

Applied Nutrition Culinary Nutrition

Students interested in a pre-medicine/pre-professional undergraduate experience with a nutrition emphasis choose the Nutrition Science major. Graduates of either major receive a Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition Sciences degree (B.S.F.N.S.).

Applied Nutrition Courses

See degree requirements for the Applied Nutrition degree in the official Academic Catalog. (opens in a new window)

Students in all the Applied Nutrition concentrations take a common set of courses: 

  • NUTR 1000 - Introduction to Nutrition Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 1100 - Introduction to Food Systems Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 2100 - Lifespan Nutrition Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 2250 - Principles of Food Science Credit Hours: 4
  • NUTR 2990 - Professional Development in Food and Nutrition Sciences Credit Hours: 1
  • NUTR 3000 - Nutrient Metabolism Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 3300 - Principles of Quantity Food Production and Purchasing Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 3350 - Introduction to Food Production Credit Hours: 4
  • NUTR 4000 - Nutrition in the Community Credit Hours: 3
  • NUTR 4200 - Experimental Foods Credit Hours: 4
  • BIOS 1030 - Human Biology 1: Basic Principles Credit Hours: 3
  • BIOS 2210 - Microbes and Humans Credit Hours: 3
  • BIOS 2225 - Microbes and Humans, Laboratory Credit Hours: 2
  • COMS 1030 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking Credit Hours: 3
  • HLTH 2000 - Introduction to Public Health Credit Hours: 3
  • MGT 2000 - Introduction to Management Credit Hours: 3
  • PSY 1010 - General Psychology Credit Hours: 3
  • RHT 1330 - Food Sanitation and Safety Credit Hours: 3

Students also complete a statistics course and additional courses related to their concentration area.