Food Insecurity in Ohio
Source: Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC); Karen, Karp & Partners (KK&P)
Food Insecurity in Appalachian Ohio is a subset of Food Security in the Appalachian Region
Year: Nov 2023
Frequency: One time report
- Food insecurity
- Childhood food insecurity
- Household SNAP participation
2020 Data
Appalachian Ohio
- Total Population: 1,979,210
- Total Households: 794,547
- 17% of Ohio's population lives in the Appalachian Region.
- Appalachian Ohio represents 8% of the entire Appalachian population.
Food Insecurity
Food insecure population: 298,660
Food Insecurity Rate
Appalachian Ohio: 15.0%
Ohio overall: 13.0%
Appalachian region: 13.0%
USA: 11.5%
Households receiving SNAP: 125,334
% of households receiving SNAP
Appalachian Ohio: 15.8%
Ohio overall: 12.6%
Appalachian region: 13.3%
USA: 11.4%
% point change in food insecurity rate from 2010-2020
Appalachian Ohio: -2.5
Ohio overall: -3.7
Appalachian region: -2.2
USA: -3.8
% of households below poverty line receiving SNAP
Appalachian Ohio: 54.6%
Ohio overall: 49.3%
Appalachian region: 46.9%
USA: 41.6%
Childhood Food Insecurity
Food insecure children: 84,630
Childhood Food Insecurity Rate
Appalachian Ohio: 19.7%
Ohio overall: 18.4%
Appalachian region: 16.4%
USA: 16.8%
SNAP retailers per 1,000 SNAP households
Appalachian Ohio: 16.2
Ohio overall: 16.7
Appalachian region: 18.5
USA: 18.1