Appendix D

As described in the College of Health Science and Professions Promotion and Tenure document, “Quantity is neither the primary nor the driving factor in assessing research/scholarly activity.” A candidate’s scholarly contributions should be viewed in light of the contracted workload in this area and the overall quality and impact of the works produced. This section may not be applicable to all faculty.

Scholarship Benchmarks

  1. Scholarship should build on, or relate to, and enhance an existing body of knowledge related to the candidate’s discipline.
  2. Scholarship should be founded on scientifically appropriate methodology.
  3. Scholarship may take the form of peer-reviewed publications, presentations, or other appropriate delivery techniques, such as:
    1. Books
    2. Textbook chapters
    3. Articles in professional journals
    4. Other publications (e.g., abstracts, chapters or sections or volumes, monographs, technical reports, reviews)
    5. Internally and externally supported research projects and grants
    6. Peer-reviewed papers, posters, and other scholarly presentations
    7. Workshops, service programs, and invited guest speaker
    8. Other professional accomplishments (e.g., consultations, workshops, continuing education courses, service programs, patents received)
    9. Development of clinical outcomes or quality assurance measures