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RN to BSN Course Offerings Fall 2025-2026


*Subject to change. Please check RN to BSN course offerings page for the most accurate information.

Old Curriculum

Fall 2025/2026

*Students admitted before Fall 2025-2026.

Course Start DateRegistration DeadlineCore CoursesCourse End Date
8/25/20258/18/20254565 (4580)4520 9/27/2025
9/29/20259/22/20254535 (4530)4540 11/1/2025
11/3/202510/27/20254555 (4570)4560455012/13/2025
8/25/20258/18/20254600  10/11/2025
10/13/202510/6/202546003701 11/29/2025

Old Curriculum

Fall 2025/2026

*Students admitted Fall 2025-2026 or after.

Course Start DateRegistration DeadlineCore CoursesCourse End Date
8/25/20258/18/202545154565 (4580) 9/27/2025
9/29/20259/22/202545154535 (4530)452511/1/2025
11/3/202510/27/202545154555 (4570)454512/13/2025
10/13/202510/6/20253701  11/29/2025


NRSE 3701 – Writing for Nursing and Health Care Professions (3 cr) is offered as a 7-week course. This course is not required but fulfills the Gen. Ed. Tier I Junior English Composition/ OHIO Bricks: Foundation: Advanced Writing(FAW) requirement on the DARs report.

The most direct path to completing the core nursing courses is to enroll in one course per session. Students pursuing Rapid Completion (taking two courses concurrently) should enroll in both courses offered each session.

9 Core Classes:

Old Curriculum (Students Admitted Prior to Fall 2025-26)
NRSE 4510Professional Nursing Practice4 credits
NRSE 4520Health Assessment and Promotions4 credits
NRSE 4530Family Nursing3 credits
NRSE 4540Community Health Nursing4 credits
NRSE 4550Evidence-Based Nursing4 credits
NRSE 4560Gerontologic Nursing Care3 credits
NRSE 4570Diversity3 credits
NRSE 4580Leadership in Nursing3 credits
NRSE 4600Nursing Excellence3 credits
New Curriculum (Students Admitted Fall 2025 or After)
NRSE 4515Principles of Professional Nursing Practice4 creditsRequired First Course
NRSE 4525Health Assessment and Promotion Across the Lifespan3 credits*Can be taken in any sequence
NRSE 4535Professional Nursing Care of the Family3 credits

*Can be taken in any sequence

**Can be substituted for 4530

NRSE 4545Informatics and Safety Essentials for Professional Nursing Practice3 credits*Can be taken in any sequence
NRSE 4555Principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Professional Intercultural Nursing Practice3 credits

*Can be taken in any sequence

**Can be substituted for 4570

NRSE 4565Leadership in Professional Nursing Practice3 credits

*Can be taken in any sequence

**Can be substituted for 4580

NRSE 4575Scholarship for Professional Nursing Practice 
***Clinical affiliation and all clinical paperwork/onboarding required for permission to enroll in 4585 and 4595.
3 credits**Must take in sequence; 4575, 4585, 4595
NRSE 4585Professional Nursing Care of the Community & Populations (10.5 direct clinical hours)4 credits**Must take in sequence; 4575, 4585, 4595
NRSE 4595Professional Nursing Practice Capstone (21 direct clinical hours)5 credits**Must take in sequence; 4575, 4585, 4595