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Design Thinking Innovates OHIO

AIR Shift at OHIO

November 1st - 3rd

OHIO CoLab, Alden Library 3rd Floor

During this workshop we will form groups of student teams to address the issue of Hazing at OHIO and how we as a community can combat issues relating to this topic through Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.




*registration is limited, so sign up today to be apart of this exciting workshop


More info about the Workshop:

Discover new ways to think about the power of creativity and challenge your mental models about art, business, community and money. Take the mystery out of business planning. Strengthen your creative muscles and entrepreneurial mindset. Practice design thinking and prototyping.
Skilled facilitators lead small teams through hands-on exercises in collaboration, business planning, and creativity. Participants work together quickly to design and plan projects for their community that focus on raising the value of art and creativity. Projects have a one year timeline and under $5,000 budget.

Creative people learn business skills and business people get more creative.
What will I learn?

Day 1:  Discover new ways to think about the power of creativity and challenge your mental models about art, business, community and money.

Day 2: Learn by doing - with others! Take the mystery out of business planning. Strengthen your creative muscles. Practice design thinking and prototyping. Work with a small facilitated group to refine collaboration skills and build a  business plan that is implementable.

Day 3: Find your voice. Present your groups’ plan and get valuable feedback.  Make it personal. Get a 15 minute coaching session and start planning your new career path, project or creative venture. The local community wins when everyone works together.



Beth Flowers

Dan Vorisek

Emily Prince

Ruth Dudding

This workshop is brought to our campus by Ohio University CoLab and presented by the AIR Institute of Berea College

Thank you to our project sponsors: CoLab, Office of Instructional Innovation, Division of Student Affairs, College of Business, College of Fine Arts