Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit

In 2022, Ohio University contracted with an outside consultant for an audit of our campus climate, operations and resources through an inclusive excellence lens. The resulting report included five overarching recommendations for the University.

Five Overarching Recommendations

Improve Clarity and Alignment on DEI Goals and Funding

This recommendation centered on defining clear institutional goals for inclusive excellence, communicating those effectively, clarifying responsibility and accountability, and ensuring ways for units to share ideas and successes.

Expand Capacity for Diversity and Inclusion Work

The audit identified challenges in recruiting and retaining faculty and staff to serve in roles supporting inclusive excellence goals. The recommendation included collecting more data on benefits that are most attractive to employees in order to bolster recruitment.

Address Sense of Belonging for Marginalized Groups

According to the audit, certain groups of students, faculty and staff do not feel a feel sense of belonging as a result of a lack of community cultural resources and representation. The international student audience was specifically identified as a group that felt isolated.

Audit and Improve Accessibility Infrastructure

This recommendation suggested a need to improve both digital and physical infrastructure and increase available information about disability accommodations.

Address Concerns about Equity in the Faculty Tenure Process 

The audit indicated more work is needed to ensure that women and people of color have equitable access to earning tenure and that faculty are provided time for work that promotes inclusive excellence on campus.

Our three strategic initiatives for 2024-25 directly connect to the overarching recommendations.

View the full 2022-2023 DEI Audit