Students walk in homecoming parade in support of lgbtqia
LGBTQIA+ History Month
October 1-31, 2023

LGBTQIA+ History Month

Why We Celebrate

LGBTQIA+ History Month was founded in 1994 by Missouri high-school history teacher Rodney Wilson. October was selected to coincide with National Coming Out Day. LGBTQIA+ History Month recognizes the history and ongoing struggles of the gay rights and related civil rights movements and the experiences and achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community. At OHIO, we recognize the resilience and determination of the many individuals who are fighting to live freely and authentically and support the right of every individual to live authentically. We encourage everyone to engage in dialogue and allyship, including through campus and community organizations.


Featured Events


Date Event Time Location
Thursday, Oct. 5 LGBTQIA+ History Month Kick-Off Celebration 5-7 pm                     Walter Hall Rotunda

Friday, Oct. 6

LGBTQIA+ Homecoming Pep and Prep Party 1-5 pm LGBT Center, Baker 348

Oct 9 - Dec 3

LGBTQIA+ Art Show at Donkey Coffee


TBD Donkey Coffee

Saturday, Oct 7

Homecoming Parade Participation and LGBTQIA+ Archives Display with Alden Library

9-11:30 am Athens Campus

Wednesday, Oct 11

National Coming Out Day Celebration

12-2 pm Baker 1804 Lounge

Thursday, Oct 19

LGBT History Month Inspiration & Leadership Training

5-7 pm Microsoft Teams

Monday, Oct 23

Asexuality Week Celebration

2-4 pm       Baker 3rd Floor Atrium

For more information about LGBTQIA+ History Month events, contact the LGBT Center at