Safety and Security
In the case of an actual emergency, or if in doubt, contact the emergency numbers listed below:
- Dial 911
- OUPD Police - 740.593.1911
- Ohio State Highway Patrol - 911, or non-emergency incidents 740.699.2494
- Belmont County Sheriff’s Office - 740.695.2212
To report a NON-EMERGENCY accident, injury, or other safety/security-related situation, please contact the campus offices listed below in the order of priority:
Department | Office | Office Phone Number |
Dean’s Office | Executive Assistant | 740.699.2494 |
Facilities | Building Facilities | 740.699.2484 |
Student Services | Front Desk | 740.699.2536 |
- Assess whether the incident is an emergency or non-emergency situation. If in doubt, assume that it is an emergency and call 911 with the exact location and type of emergency.
- As a follow-up to the 911 call or for non-emergency situations, contact the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494.
- Stay with and comfort any person needing medical assistance and be available for recording information for the incident report. Dean’s Office / Facilities Management will be responsible for the completion of the appropriate incident report.
- If work-related injury, the employee must contact their supervisor the same day. The supervisor (with assistance from the employee) must complete an incident report form immediately after a work-related injury, illness, or incident and submit to the Dean’s Office.
- Do not use cell phones or two-way radios due to the potential of triggering the device and inform others likewise.
- Write down what the caller says and any notes about background noise or clues to the caller’s location.
- Keep the caller on the phone if possible and have someone else call 911 from a campus phone (not a cell phone), giving the phone number of the bomb threat caller.
- Contact the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494.
- Follow appropriate evacuation procedures determined by emergency response personnel.
- Do not use cell phones or two-way radios, due to potential of triggering device, and inform others not to use same.
- Using a campus phone (not cell phone) call 911 to report a suspicious package then contact the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494 in the same manner.
- Evacuation procedures will be determined by emergency personnel.
- Assess the general threat and/or condition of the victim, then call 911 and the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494.
- SDS Sheets are on file in the Facilities Management Department for reference and review.
- Emergency response personnel will assess evacuating building(s); Facilities management staff will check restrooms and study areas and assist physically disabled persons.
- Meet emergency personnel and relay pertinent information about the incident.
- Activate fire alarm at nearest pull station and evacuate building, checking restrooms and study areas.
- Ensure that any physically challenged person is given assistance in evacuating building.
- If you hear the alarm while in a room, feel the door before you open it. If hot, leave it closed. Open (break if necessary) a window with a desk or chair and await help.
- On upper-story floors, evacuate through the stairwell. Do not use the elevator and discourage others from using the elevator. Assist any physically challenged people to the stairwell behind the fire door. Inform emergency response personnel of any people in the stairwell.
- Call 911, giving exact location and description of intruder.
- Call the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494. They will contact emergency response personnel, to ensure they received first call.
- An emergency messaging system will be activated, informing all subscribers of the situation and the appropriate actions to be taken through multiple communication forms (landline phone, cell phone, text message, and/or email) and other social media platforms.
- LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES: Take shelter in the nearest office, room, or closet. In a classroom or office, lock door (or if no inside lock - block door with desks, chairs, or other heavy object), turn off the lights, move away from the entry to the sides and corners of the room, get low to the floor, and prepare to engage the intruder if necessary.
- Remain in lockdown until the police or a campus administrator known to you gives the “all clear” to the area. An “All Clear” message will also be announced via the Emergency Messaging System (OHIO Alert!).
- If confronted by the intruder, engage physically only as a last resort. However, if necessary, defend yourself by countering the intruder and fighting back with any means available. DO NOT BE A PASSIVE VICTIM.
- If an armed intruder situation occurs and a clear opportunity is presented to flee, evacuate the facility as a top priority and as quickly as possible. Run in a zigzag pattern if the shooter is in sight. Stop when well clear of the site and call 911.
- Contact the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494 or Facilities at 740.699.2484 as the back-up. The utility provider will be notified to assess the situation and outage duration.
- Keep students in classrooms and buildings until situation is assessed. Emergency lights in halls and stairwells will come on.
- If it is determined by the Dean to dismiss classes and/or to close campus, a representative from OHIO Eastern will advise you in person. In addition, notification will be sent via the Emergency Messaging System.
- Emergency shelter areas are in corridors and other areas away from glass and marked by the following sign:
- Classrooms: Faculty direct students to designated emergency shelter locations.
- Administrative Offices: Staff proceeds to designated emergency shelter locations.
- Common Areas: Faculty and staff should direct individuals located in common areas to seek emergency shelter in the designated locations.
- Do not attempt to evacuate buildings and discourage others from doing so.
- Call 911, then, if possible, contact the Dean’s Office at 740.699.2494
- Be prepared to give the following information:
- The name of the group, if known.
- The exact location of the group.
- The size of the group.
- Weapons involved.
- The name of the group, if known.
- Avoid provoking or obstructing demonstrators.
- Avoid the area of the disturbance.
- In a Civil Disturbance:
- Stay inside.
- Stay away from doors and windows.
- Continue with normal business operations, if possible.
- If necessary, cease operations and evacuate.
- Secure your work area (lock doors, safes, files, vital records, and expensive equipment).
- Log off computers.
The Dean of OHIO Eastern (or authorized designate) will serve as the only spokesperson.
REMINDER: Once emergency personnel arrive, they are in charge! Be available to give pertinent information.
(Rev. 11/24)