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Center for Technology and Online Programs FAQs

The Center for Technology and Online Programs (CTOP) offers various technology services for the Patton College of Education.  Please review our FAQs for more information about our capabilities.


Who should I contact if I need tech support?

The Patton College OIT department asks you to email the Service Desk (opens in a new window) with your computer issue and they will respond and open a “help ticket” to address the issue. If it needs immediate attention between 9 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday, start by calling Don Weekley (740.593.4450) or send him a Teams Chat Message.  You may also stop in at CTOP to get support from one of our helpful Graduate Assistants.


What resources are available in the Center for Technology and Online Programs (CTOP)?
Who can I ask for help?

Center for Technology and Online Programs Front Desk: 740.593.4451

  • Faculty Equipment rentals, group study room, computer lab or, webcast/podcast studio reservations

Don Weekley: 740.593.4450

  • Computer, technology, equipment, and classroom tech support.

Lisa S. Dael: 740.593.9925

  • Online program coordination (inquiries, application & registration), and course evaluations.

Tasha Attaway: 740.593.4784

  • Social media postings, eBoards, newsletters and graduate recruitment
Where can I get a headshot for my website profile?

Installed in the Schoonover Center for Communication lobby, the professional headshot booth allows users to sit for a headshot, which is sent to them via email.  Users can also make simple modifications to polish the image before receiving it. No appointment is necessary and the booth is always available when Schoonover is open.

The service is free and there are no requirements other than providing a valid email address. 

For More Information (opens in a new window)