
Obtain the appropriate signatures on the form and then submit the signed form to the college at russgradinfo@ohio.edu. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with Thesis and Dissertation Services, particularly the Full TAD Guidelines and the TAD deadlines for this academic year.
- Tentative M.S. Course of Study [Excel] (opens in a new window) (This is due no later than the second week of your second semester in the program.)
- MS Committee External College Representative Form (Turn in no later than the sixth week of your second semester in the program.) The thesis committee shall consist of a minimum of four faculty members, three of whom must be members of the BME faculty, including the chair/advisor. Two committee members must be members of the Russ College with associate graduate or graduate faculty status. One committee member must be from outside the Russ College and the BME program (referred to as the College Representative) and hold associate graduate or full graduate faculty status in her or his college.
- MS Arrangement for Thesis Proposal Defense (Submit at least 14 days prior to the thesis proposal defense).
- Report on MS Thesis Proposal Defense (You should take this form to the oral presentation. If you pass, obtain all signatures at that time and submit the form. Note that the thesis proposal must be passed by the end of your second semester in the program).
- Final M.S. Course of Study (opens in a new window) Submit this form at the same time you submit the Report on MS Thesis Proposal Defense.
- MS Arrangement for Final Defense (Submit at least 14 days prior to the thesis defense).
- Statement of Originality Form (Submit this form and a pdf version of your thesis at least 14 days prior to the thesis defense).
- Report on MS Final Thesis Defense. All previous forms must be on file before submitting this one. After passing the defense, have the form signed by your committee members. You might have to make changes to your thesis before obtaining the signatures, especially that of your advisor. Submit after obtaining all committee members' signatures.
- You are required to submit the final thesis document for another plagiarism check at least 3 days prior to the published TAD semester deadline.