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32 total credits required
Throughout your studies in the online MS in Civil Engineering program, you will explore both hard skills and capabilities required of leadership in engineering teams, including communication, decision-making, project management and research presentation.
As you complete your degree, you will also be able to focus your studies on one of four specific areas: Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering Management and Environmental Engineering.
The following courses are required of all students:
Focuses on analyzing a business problem or situation and choosing the appropriate communication processes, products, or events to meet the needs of your organization or client. An emphasis will be placed on persuasive and negotiation theories of communication as well as decision-making issues such as audience analysis and intra-/inter-organizational impact.
This course integrates project management processes, knowledge areas and techniques defined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) to describe the organizing, initiating, planning and performing of projects. Each PM uses many tools and understandings that come from quality, communications, and leadership principles. Project planning software and network scheduling techniques such as PERT and CPM are included, and students apply their knowledge to a real-world project of their selection.
Presentation on research topics by students. Typically taken in the final year of graduate study.
Students can select one of the four focus areas:
For the Transportation Engineering focus, complete eight of the following courses:
Designed to explore techniques and applications of all aspects of the construction scheduling process, including background on scheduling construction projects and development of work breakdown structures; transits to elements of the construction project schedule, including linear scheduling methods for heavy construction and the use of real-world examples in civil engineering and applications.
In this course, you will develop knowledge and skills in the methods and procedures involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of highway safety studies.
Introduction to urban transportation planning, characteristics of urban travel, travel demand models, decision models and future issues.
In this course, you develop a fundamental knowledge about the methodology of pavement analysis, design and evaluation as well as an ability to practically design a pavement structure.
Parametric and non-parametric statistical theories and applications related to modes of failure, interactions, probability distributions and spacial relationships associated with the civil engineering discipline.
This course presents the laws and regulations applicable to the environmental analysis of transportation systems, as well as the tools and techniques used to identify and mitigate environmental issues.
In this course, you will develop knowledge and skills in the methods and procedures involved in the design of transportation facilities.
Trip generation, distribution, and assignment; transport behavior of individuals and households; traffic impact studies; parking studies; on-site planning; site access and off-site improvements.
In this course, you will gain knowledge of fundamental traffic flow characteristics at the micro, and macroscopic level; and associated analytical techniques. This knowledge is an essential requirement for any planning, design and operation of transportation systems
For the Structural Engineering focus, complete eight of the following courses:
Design of plate girders and build-up members, analysis of truss and frame structures, shear-moment at connections, metal fatigue, and fracture and plastic mechanics.
Advanced design of reinforced concrete structures including biaxially loaded columns, slender columns, footings, 2-way slabs, and walls.
Material properties and behavior of structural timber. Analysis and design of sawed timber and laminated timber members. Timber construction analysis and design.
This is a civil engineering course related to masonry construction. The course covers a list of topics ranging from materials used in masonry construction to design standards and actual design steps. The course allows students to work on a project in which they design, build and test a masonry structural element.
This course is an introduction to prestressed concrete structural analysis and design. The course is essentially divided into four major sections: Introduction and materials; shear and torsion; and introduction into prestressed concrete bridge design.
First-order, second-moment reliability method, Monte Carlo simulation, load and resistance factors, reliability index, and code checking.
Dynamic analysis of structures with multi-degree of freedom. Free and forced vibration analysis of elastic beams, frames, grids, and trusses. Earthquake and wind-induced vibration of high-rise buildings and bridges. Classical and computer methods.
Types of bridge structures, LRFD design standard specifications, loads, structural analysis, and design.
For the Construction Engineering and Management focus, complete eight of the following courses:
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of the cost-estimating process including contracts, bonds, overhead, labor and the pricing of various elements of the construction process. You will also learn the fundamentals of construction equipment economics and productivity including the selection of earth-moving equipment and construction equipment fleet analysis.
Designed to explore techniques and applications of all aspects of the construction scheduling process, including background on scheduling construction projects and development of work breakdown structures; transits to elements of the construction project schedule, including linear scheduling methods for heavy construction and the use of real-world examples in civil engineering and applications.
Provides students with the fundamentals of construction law and contracts. Topics covered include types of construction contracts, contract changes, claims, liability, and dispute resolution. Aspects of construction administration include project funding, project cash flow, accounting systems, depreciation and analysis of financial statements.
In this course, you develop a fundamental knowledge about the methodology of pavement analysis, design and evaluation as well as an ability to practically design a pavement structure.
Parametric and non-parametric statistical theories and applications related to modes of failure, interactions, probability distributions and spacial relationships associated with the civil engineering discipline.
Covers construction management principles related to heavy construction project work. Topics covered include life cycle cost analysis, contract administration, project planning, project progress tracking and control, project risk management and project safety.
This course presents the laws and regulations applicable to the environmental analysis of transportation systems, as well as the tools and techniques used to identify and mitigate environmental issues.
In this course, you will develop knowledge and skills in the methods and procedures involved in the design of transportation facilities.
For the Environmental Engineering focus, complete eight of the following courses:
Designed to explore techniques and applications of all aspects of the construction scheduling process, including background on scheduling construction projects and development of work breakdown structures; transits to elements of the construction project schedule, including linear scheduling methods for heavy construction and the use of real-world examples in civil engineering and applications.
Principles of uniform and varied flow. Channel design for uniform flow, gradually varied flow profiles, channel transitions, m hydraulic jumps and flow in prismatic and nonprismatic channels.
In this course, you will learn about the chemical and physical behavior of common groundwater and soil pollutants, the fundamental processes behind various physical, chemical, and biological strategies to treat groundwater and soil pollutants and to perform preliminary designs using the various remediation techniques.
A civil engineering course designed to provide integrated treatment of water resources engineering, including hydrological measurements, runoff, groundwater, water law, reservoir design, frequency analysis, planning and flood control. A systems approach to multipurpose water resource projects is emphasized.
Parametric and non-parametric statistical theories and applications related to modes of failure, interactions, probability distributions, and special relationships associated with the civil engineering discipline.
In this course, you will learn fundamental chemical transport processes and how they control the fate and distribution of chemicals in the environment. Processes discussed include advection, diffusion, dispersion, sorption and transformations. These will be incorporated into mathematical models using mass balance, completely mixed, plug flow and advection-dispersion-reaction constructs. All of these concepts will be reinforced with environmental applications and the use of modeling software.
In this course, you will learn about advanced water treatment principles and design. This will not survey all aspects of water treatment typically covered in an undergraduate water treatment class, but will focus on advanced water treatment technologies, in particular: air stripping, disinfection, adsorption, ion exchange and membranes.
This course will address the fundamental and applied principles involved in each of these steps, as well as an opportunity to utilize advanced process modeling software to evaluate changes in the effluent water quality as a function of process operating parameters.
This course presents the laws and regulations applicable to the environmental analysis of transportation systems, as well as the tools and techniques used to identify and mitigate environmental issues.
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