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34 total credits required
The online Master of Engineering Management curriculum consists of 10 total courses: four foundation courses, three core courses, two electives, and a capstone project. You may enroll in 1 to 2 course per semester, and with very few prerequisites, you have maximum flexibility to take the program at your own pace.
The MEM coursework will cover both the specific engineering and management skills to excel in your current position (whenever possible, students are encouraged to relate the coursework to their current roles) while also preparing you for leadership and management opportunities as your career unfolds.
Complete the following courses for a total of 28 credits.
Engineering management skills and executive leadership are required to meet the demands of both global and domestic markets. Modern corporations require engineering leadership to be creative and progressive, and to produce profitable performance. Will help engineers to broaden their understanding of management activities and their unique applications to engineering functions.
Counts towards the Engineering Management Certificate.
Designed to help students to develop the ability to think critically as a professional communicator by asking appropriate questions that will enable them to understand, develop, and produce effective communication using the following elements of thought: purpose, basic concepts, information sources and needs, underlying assumptions, inferences/conclusions, implications/consequences, points of view, and questions raised and addressed.
Estimation theory, hypothesis testing, and statistical prediction, simple linear regression, multiple regression, transformations, analysis of variance, and simple experimental design.
Counts towards the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate.
An introduction to applications of information systems industry and the design and implementation of these systems. Students will also learn systems modeling and how to utilize a Rapid Application Development tool to extract needed information from a database.
Counts towards the Engineering Analytics Certificate.
Application of statistics to control of quality and reliability in products and services, including training in the Six Sigma DMAIC problem-solving methodology. Topics include: tools and techniques for statistically-based product and process improvement; design of acceptance sampling and process control systems, including attention to inspection and test methods; and design and implementation of quality assurance programs, including nonstatistical dimensions of quality systems.
*This course is required for both the Certified Lean Six Sigma Certificate - CTLSSG and the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate - CTSSBBG, but this course can only count toward one certificate.
Modeling of project constraints using network methodologies such as CPM and PERT to determine activities critical to meeting a project deadline. Utilization of stochastic models to determine possible changes in the critical path. Will also cover methods for economic evaluation of project alternatives.
Counts towards the Engineering Management Certificate.
Principles and techniques of accounting, finance, performance measures and decision making are examined and applied in the engineering management context. Methods of cost accounting are presented, compared and used. Relationships between cost, volume and profit are illustrated, and related parameters are calculated. Budgets for production, direct labor, manufacturing and other functions are prepared. Performance measures are analyzed and applied. Differential analysis techniques are used to support engineering management decisions. Financial statements and statements of cash flows are examined and interpreted to assess the financial health of engineering organizations.
Counts towards the Engineering Leadership Certificate.
Students are required to work on a project. They pick a topic of their choice and study in detail. Though not required, they are recommended to select this topic from the organization where they are currently working. The project includes problem definition, solution techniques, analysis performed, results obtained, discussions, and conclusions.
Student must choose two electives from any listed within to complete the master's program. Students have the option to select one of the certificate set of courses to earn that certificate in addition to their masters with additional credits.
This course is a continuation of EMGT 6110 and covers DMAIC problem-solving methodology in detail. Topics covered include tools and techniques for product and process improvement and applying basic and advanced statistics to problem-solving. Emphasis is on the application of the methodology.
MEM students may take this course for an elective requirement.
Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate students must take this course alongside EMGT 6112.
Focuses on the concepts of total quality management including: philosophies and frameworks of quality management, incorporating quality into strategic planning, leadership, process measurement and management, continuous quality improvement, and ISO 9000. Original writings by major figures in the quality movement, such as Deming, Juran, Tagucji, etc. will be discussed.
Introduction to application and development of database systems in industrial engineering. In addition, students will learn database theory, data modeling and SQL.
Counts towards the Engineering Analytics Certificate.
The objective of this course is to teach students modern methods for data analysis and predictive analytics. Students will gain the knowledge to develop advanced queries and apply statistical methods and machine learning to analyze the data and make predictions in the engineering management context.
Counts towards the Engineering Analytics Certificate.
Study of the legal system; domestic and international environments of intellectual property policy (including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets), torts and various sources of personal, facility, products and enterprise liability; contracts and issues arising from various types of contractual relationships; and aspects of administrative law (dealing with agencies) and employment law.
Counts towards the Engineering Management Certificate.
The objective of this course is to teach students tools for applying lean thinking, lean principles and lean methods in manufacturing and service systems. Students will learn basic methods of the lean production, such as value-stream mapping, 5(6)-S, continuous flow, Kanban, SMED, A3, continuous improvement. The methods will be learned by practicing them in group discussions and in projects. Upon completion of the course, students will possess skills to apply lean methods in their working environments.
Counts towards the Lean Six Sigma Certificate.
This course will provide information, experiences and skill development to aid the student in creating an inventory of leadership knowledge for lifelong development of effective leadership abilities. This will be accomplished through selected readings, supplemental videos, interviews of experienced leaders, reflections and discussions to explore, develop, and reinforce leadership development. Case studies from engineering leaders will be used for discussions of the principles being covered.
Counts towards the Engineering Leadership Certificate.
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