Spend a semester living, working and taking classes in Los Angeles. The iconic program from the School of Media Arts and Studies takes a group of students to Hollywood during fall or summer semester. Explore and familiarize yourself with the city and the entertainment industry, take part in an internship to develop professional skills and contacts, earn course credit, and work with your peers on a short film project that premieres at the end of the program.
Our alumni network in the LA area is vast, and includes professionals working as producers, agents, directors and development executives. Those alumni work closely with OHIO-in-LA participants to serve as mentors, provide access to studios and sets, and connect them with professional opportunities. And then there are the “excursions”: tickets to live shows where you’ll be in the studio audience, sightseeing tours, and of course a day at Disney.
Read About Sophia Cardone's Experience!
Industry Experience, Hollywood connections
OHIO-in-LA has launched countless MDIA students into successful careers in the entertainment industry. The secret to the program’s success is that it provides students with an opportunity to learn all areas of the industry with the guidance of faculty members, mentors and peers.
Fall, Summer
Academic Credit
Yes – 15 credits including coursework and internship credit
Cost & Scholarship Availability
Associated costs are provided on the program webpage linked below. Scholarships available, financial aid may be applied.
More Information
From Ohio-in-LA to Lucasfilm
“The OHIO-in-LA experience was more foundational than I can put into words. Before I did the program, I never would have imagined I’d be working at LucasFilm doing the work I’m doing.”
-- Samantha Bloomfield, post-production coordinator for Lucasfilm, San Francisco