Finance and Administration News

UHR reminds faculty and staff of search committee training and preparation sessions

Departments can take this time of slowed hiring to ensure that faculty and staff are trained in preparation for any future searches.

Secure health care data as part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Our fourth week in Cybersecurity Awareness Month is dedicated to information about protecting sensitive data, in particular health care information.

Computer & Device Support advisory community seeks members

If you would like to help shape the future of computer and device support at Ohio University, consider joining the Computer & Device Support IT advisory community. Topics such as virtual desktops, digital signage, and devices managed by the University, including printers and computers, will be discussed.

Annual Holiday Memo

As indicated in Ohio University’s Policy and Procedure #41.125, University Human Resources annually issues an official list of holiday observance dates.

Unused Airline Tickets in Concur

In July 2, 2020 Business Matters, in state travel restrictions were lifted and all other travel must be approved using the exception process outlined in the article. If you had an airline ticket that was cancelled as a result of COVID-19, and you have an outstanding credit, you can now see that information in Concur. These can be used once you are able to travel again. You will be able to utilize those tickets by following these steps below.

Annual Cash Handling Course Reminder

All employees (including students) that handle payments must complete the Cash Handling & Credit Card Security Awareness training annually to stay up to date on all requirements.    Employees who have never taken the training may register through the Professional Development webpage.  If you have previously taken the course, there is no need to re-register.  Please log in to Blackboard and click on Organizations. Next, click on Accounting Certificate, then Core Courses to access the Cash Handling & Credit Card Security Awareness 2020-21 course.  Employees can enroll students that work within their department by emailing Carole Gilkey at with a list of all students needing access.

TIme and Effort Reporting Reminder

Ohio University is required to document procedures and maintain supporting documentation for the distribution  of an individual’s effort to sponsored agreements in accordance with federal regulations as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).  Uniform Guidance, paragraph 200.430 (i), provides that records must reasonably reflect 100% of the activities for which an employee is compensated by the University.  Any individual who performed work on a federally funded project or serves as the project’s principal investigator must certify effort, unless in their absence, this task is delegated to a designee.  Uniform Guidance requires that the designee must have a suitable means to verify the distribution of effort for the individual who performed work on a federal award. The effort certification form documents this requirement in accordance with Uniform Guidance. 

Equipment Inventory Updates

 For the last several months, the University has restricted access to campus for most departments. This has led to a backlog on the normal Equipment Inventory procedures, such as green tagging new equipment and Quarterly/Biennial inventory reviews.

Cost Center Lookup Changes

 Changes were recently made to the Cost Center Lookup Dashboard in OBI to exclude cost centers that have been disabled or end dated.  The dashboard was also modified to show only three-segment cost centers and removing activity and function from the view.  If you are unsure which activity or function should be used for your transactions, please contact your CFAO or their delegate(s) for assistance.  Remember, this lookup does not display all valid cost center combinations, only those that have been used in the system and are available in BobcatBUY and Concur.

Important Payment Reminders for Thankgiving Break and Winter Break Closure

As we wind down the calendar year, it is important to start planning for Thanksgiving and Winter Break Closure (WBC) payments. Since the University will have a modified operating schedule during this period of time, as a result of the mandatory furlough days, please keep in mind the following information: