Students need support throughout the process of recruitment/intake and new member education. Be supportive and learn as much as you can about fraternity and sorority life by asking questions of your student as he or she meets members in our organizations.
Keep an open mind. Sorority and fraternity life is not for everyone. Just because you may have been in a fraternity or sorority, doesn’t mean that it is the right choice for your students.
Fraternities and sororities are different on every campus. Groups that may have been strong on the campus where you attended school may not have the same reputation at Ohio. Let you student choose the group the he or she feels the most comfortable with joining.
Talk to your student about dangerous behaviors that come with alcohol misuse. Reiterate that underage drinking is illegal and a violation of the Student Code of Conduct (opens in a new window). According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, half of all sexual assaults in the United States involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim, or both. Ohio University is committed to fostering an environment free from sexual or gender-based harassment or misconduct. Alcohol misuse can lead to poor academic performance and lower grades.
Have frank conversations with your son or daughter about activities that may occur in a group situation, such as hazing, that make them uncomfortable or put them or other at risk. There are many avenues for reporting misconduct (opens in a new window) at Ohio University. Be sure to discuss the importance of bystander intervention with your student.
Talk to your student beforehand about the financial obligation. Determine who will pay for what and what the limits are.
Know that the system of fraternity/sorority recruitment at Ohio University is competitive. Not everyone who wants to be in a fraternity or sorority will receive a bid.
Do not become too involved in the sorority and fraternity recruitment/intake process; this is your student’s decision. There will be plenty of activities and events for you to attend or even help plan once your student joins one of our organizations.
Too often, parents do not allow their students to fight their own battles. It helps the student mature and gain some assertiveness when allowed to call various offices if they have questions or concerns about their decision to join a sorority or fraternity.
Keep the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life contact information on hand if you have any questions or concerns.