OHIO Guarantee Fixed Tuition and Fees

The program was designed to take the guesswork out of budgeting for college through a cohort-based, level-rate tuition, housing, dining and fee model that assures students and their families a set of unchanging, comprehensive rates for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree at OHIO.


“In 2015, Ohio University was the first public university in the state of Ohio to launch a comprehensive fixed tuition and fee program, and the OHIO Guarantee remains one of the most transparent and all-encompassing of its kind.”


Tuition, housing, dining and fee rates established at enrollment remain unchanged for four years (or 12 consecutive semesters including summers). You will pay a pre-determined amount per semester your first year and for the next three years.

Fixed Tuition and Fees—Guaranteed

One thing that sets Ohio University’s Tuition Guarantee apart is its comprehensive nature. You won’t be hit with additional unexpected fees and housing and dining are included. 

Guarantee+ Rates


The Tuition Guarantee includes and encompasses all required fees:

  • Instructional Fee
  • General Fee
  • Student Information System/Network Fee
  • Technology Fee
  • Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO) Fee
  • Graduation Application Fee
  • Individual Course Fee

Course Fees

Undergraduate individual course fees are included as a single unchanging rate in the OHIO Guarantee. There are clear guidelines and exceptions, including, but not limited to:

  1. Course fees for a small number of high-cost programs or activities that are assessed beyond or in addition to level tuition and fees (e.g. assessed due to travel or costs that exceed a pre-determined amount for aviation or equine studies courses).
  2. Fees for study abroad and domestic travel (e.g. flight costs, activity fees, etc.) are not part of the OHIO Guarantee; however, the Instructional and General Fees are included in the OHIO Guarantee for these programs.

Housing and Dining

Athens campus students benefit from a level housing rate table, which varies depending on the student’s housing choice, and a level meal plan rate table based on the type of meal plan selected.

Out of State Tuition

The non-resident surcharge for out-of-state students is guaranteed to remain consistent during a student’s four years (12 semesters) at OHIO.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any fees not included in the Tuition and Fees Guarantee?

There are some fees that are charged to all students but may be waived, and are therefore optional and are not included in the OHIO Guarantee:

Student Health Insurance

Students enrolled on the Athens Campus for 5 or more credit hours are automatically assessed the Student Health Insurance Fee. You may opt out of the Student Health Insurance if you already have a health insurance provider. If you are eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance, the waiver option and waiver deadline will be available on your MyOHIO Student Center once your registration charges have been assessed for the term. A waiver is required only once each academic year.

Student Legal Service

The Center for Legal Services is a law office for Ohio University students. Attorneys provide students with legal representation, advice and education. CSLS also provides contract reviews, mediation services and notary service. There is no limit on the number of times students can use the service during the term. Every Athens campus student is automatically enrolled for this service at registration for the term. The waiver option and waiver deadline will be available on your MyOHIO Student Center once your registration charges have been assessed for the term. A waiver is required once each term.

How is my financial aid affected?

Scholarships and financial aid packages hold their value through the OHIO Guarantee+ Tuition and Fees Guarantee. Because the cost of attending OHIO remains steady, the same percentage of those costs are met by any renewable scholarship for each fall and spring semester of a student's four years at OHIO, assuming that renewable scholarship criteria are maintained. By contrast, in a model of increasing annual costs, a smaller percentage of a student's educational costs would be met each year. Additionally, if a student's first priority filing status and financial need as determined by the FAFSA remains consistent, any available federal, state, and institutional funding are similar each year, though term amounts may vary.

Financial aid availability for summer enrollment can vary based on the specific program. Some programs offer an increased amount for three semesters of attendance, while other programs, such as most University-based scholarships, are not available in the summer. For details on financial aid for summer enrollment, please visit Summer Financial Aid.

What happens if it takes me longer than 12 semesters to graduate?

After the OHIO Guarantee expires for you, you pay the tuition rate assigned to the cohort that went into effect the year after your initial cohort.

Academic Plans Requiring More Than 128 Semester Credit Hours

If you are enrolled in a program that the Ohio Department of Higher Education identifies as requiring more than 128 hours to complete, you will automatically receive an additional semester (13) of pricing within your original cohort of the OHIO Guarantee.

Academic PlanProgram TitleCIP CodeMinimum
BS1902Biological Sciences26.0701131
BM5106Music Education ‐ Choral Emphasis50.0903132
BS8117Athletic Training51.0913132
BM5107Music Education ‐ Instrumental50.0903133

As of Fall 2013 (10/04/2013)


See exceptions

What happens if I leave Ohio University during the four-year period and return later?

If it is within the four years, you will be subject to paying the same tuition rate when you return.

After that time, you will pay the OHIO Guarantee rate paid by the existing cohort at that time.

See exceptions

What happens if I change majors?

If you change your major or college, you maintain your pricing cohort status and the OHIO Guarantee expiration date does not change. If you have established an OHIO Guarantee+ Graduation Plan, you should consult your academic advisor to determine how your change of major may impact your plan.

Is there a maximum or minimum number of hours in which I may enroll to receive the OHIO Guarantee+ Tuition and Fees Guarantee?

The OHIO Guarantee program is in effect for 12 consecutive semesters regardless of the number of credit hours you take during a semester up to the allowable limit (20) per semester.

Are classes taken during summer sessions included in the Tuition and Fees Guarantee?

Yes, summer sessions count toward the 12 semesters under the OHIO Guarantee.

Are there any exceptions to the Tuition and Fees Guarantee?

The OHIO Guarantee does not cover graduate tuition, continuing education tuition, OHIO Online tuition, and non-degree enrollment. The OHIO Guarantee does not apply to the Associate of Applied Sciences in Health Technology offered through Ohio University Southern.

Exceptions for Students Who Require More Than 12 Semesters

Some students require more than 12 semesters (or 13 for majors approved as requiring 4+ years) to graduate due to circumstances beyond their control.

The OHIO Guarantee Appeals Committee reviews any appeals for extension. The committee evaluates these exceptional cases. In most cases, these extenuating circumstances fall within the precedents already established by the long-standing Tuition Appeals Committee.

Each case is evaluated on its own merit.

If you need to leave Ohio University for extenuating circumstances you will be able to pay the rates you were guaranteed if you re-enroll. The guarantee will be extended for a period matching your absence. The University must verify and approve any extenuating circumstances such as military service or emergency medical conditions.

Cases Given Automatic Extension Beyond 12-Semester Guarantee:

  • Student called to active military or reserve duty: A student called to active duty is given an automatic extension of the Guarantee based upon the number of semesters impacted by his/her time served.
  • Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE): A student may be admitted to a degree‐seeking program at the same time as completing language training in OPIE. If this is the case, then the student will automatically be given the additional semester(s), beyond the standard 12 semesters, equal to the number of semesters he or she was in OPIE classes, up to the maximum 18. For a non‐degree seeking OPIE student who later declares a degree, the student will be placed into the cohort associated with the semester he or she was admitted to the degree‐seeking program.

Examples of Cases Considered Likely for Extension

  • Reasonable accommodation for disability: If it is determined that additional semesters are a reasonable accommodation of a student’s disability impact within the OHIO Guarantee, the Director of Student Accessibility Services will make recommendations for the appropriate continuation.
  • Medical conditions: A student who has extenuating medical issues should submit an appeal to extend the cohort rate based on his or her unique situation. The appeal will be evaluated individually and a determination made based on the nature of the medical issue.
  • Internships/Co-ops: A student in an approved internship and/or co‐op through his or her college may be granted additional semester(s) at his or her established cohort rate equal to the semesters he or she was enrolled in internship/co‐op credit.
  • University errors: If it is determined that a University error caused a student to have to extend beyond the 12 semesters contemplated in the OHIO Guarantee program, then the student will be afforded additional semester(s) within their assigned OHIO Guarantee cohort pricing table to complete his or her degree in the appropriate timeframe determined by the appeal committee.
  • Required course availability: If a student is not able to complete his or her degree program in the four years of his or her established cohort due to the result of a required course(s) not being offered, or available space in a required course, the University will provide the necessary course(s) in compliance with H. B. No. 59 Section 3345.48. To be considered for this exemption, a student must file an appeal through the OHIO Guarantee Appeals Committee. That appeal must demonstrate that the affected course(s) was required via the student’s DARS report, that the student had met with an advisor prior to the start of the second week of classes of the term(s) in question to discuss alternatives, and that there was no resolution available.

Learn More About the OHIO Guarantee+

Graduation Plans Lifelong Alumni Benefits