
HTC Staff

Dr. Kristina Bross
Kristina Bross
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Molly Tinker Cronin
Molly Tinker Cronin
Advisor, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Kelly Czack
Kelly Czack
Advisor, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
Ohio University
35 Park Place
Kristine Hoke
Kristine Hoke
Director of Operations and Scholar Experience, Cutler Scholars Program
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Margie Huber
Margie Huber
Executive Assistant
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Charles Lester
Charles Lester
Assistant Professor of Instruction, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Christopher Lewis
Christopher S. Lewis
Director, Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Mark Lucas
Mark Lucas
Professor of Instruction, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
Ohio University
35 Park Place
252D Clippinger Lab
Beth Novak
Beth Novak
Associate Dean; Director of Studies, HTC Media Arts and Studies
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Doug Orr
Doug Orr
Advisor, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
Ohio University
35 Park Place
Advisor, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Melissa Rizzo Weller
Melissa Rizzo Weller
Assistant Professor of Instruction, OHIO Honors Program
Honors Tutorial College
Ohio University
35 Park Place
Breanne Sisler
Breanne Sisler
Assistant Dean
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place