HTC Placement Tests

The Honors Tutorial College staff and your directors of studies are looking forward to seeing you at Bobcat Student Orientation! Most HTC tutorial program students will participate June 4-5. Students unable to participate on those dates should register for the alternate HTC BSO dates of June 26-27 or contact the college directly to make other arrangements. 

In advance of attending BSO, all HTC tutorial program students should complete the steps on the BSO Preparing for Your Orientation page (opens in a new window) (with the exception of the placement test information--please follow below steps for HTC-specific placement information). 

Placements are not exemptions. Each placement test is designed to identify the course in which a student should begin. A placement does not exempt a student from a required course.

Below you will find a list of placement tests by major. This assumes you are not transferring credit to Ohio University for a course in that subject area. If you are transferring in credit, or if you have any questions, please check with your director of studies about placement. Majors are identified as follows:

  • Required - Students must take the test before BSO.
  • Encouraged - Your director of study strongly encourages you to take this placement.
  • Optional - If you are planning to take a course in this subject area, then you may want to take the placement test before participating in BSO.

Please note for Language Placement, students who would like to begin with a new language do not need to take a placement test but should register for the beginning course (E.g.: 1110) during their orientation program. Students who have prior experience or speaking ability must take a Language Placement Exam prior to registering for any coursework in that language. 

Placement Tests by HTC Tutorial Degrees
(Not intended for OHIO Honors Program students)


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is encouraged.

Art History

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is required.

Biological Sciences

The HTC Chemistry Placement Test is required. 
The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Business Administration

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The HTC Chemistry Placement Test is required. 
The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Communication Studies

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Music Theory Test (opens in a new window) is optional. 
The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Engineering Physics

The (non-HTC) Chemistry Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional. 


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Environmental & Plant Biology

The HTC Chemistry Placement Test is required. 
Students are recommended to have a math placement level of PL3 (opens in a new window).

Environmental Studies

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.
Students are recommended to have a math placement level of PL2 (opens in a new window).

Geological Sciences

The (non-HTC) Chemistry Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional. 
The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is encouraged.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Media Arts & Studies

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Music Theory Test (opens in a new window) is required. 
The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is encouraged.


No placement tests are required.

Political Science

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Social Work

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is encouraged.
Students are recommended to have a math placement level of PL2 (opens in a new window).


The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Studio Art (BA and BFA)

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Theater (BA and BFA)

The Language Placement Test (opens in a new window) is optional.

Translational Health Studies Applied Nutrition

The HTC Chemistry Placement Test is required. 
Students are recommended to have a math placement level of PL2 (opens in a new window).

Translational Health Studies Exercise Physiology

The HTC Chemistry Placement Test is required. 
Students are recommended to have a math placement level of PL2 (opens in a new window).

HTC Chemistry Placement Test

Information coming soon.